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flask - 如何在 Flask-Classful 中设置 Flask-Limiter?


问题是我进入RuntimeError: Working outside of application context.decorators = [. 我如何单独为我的每个方法使用限制器?并且还解决了这个错误?

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python - Flask-Limiter is not called on Flask-Restful API's method_decorators

I've tried to follow some questions with no luck:

Due to outside of context issue I created a limiter function in a util.py file as follow:

And in my Flask-Restful API resource I have called this limiter in method-decorators:

NOTE: I'm using Flask version 2 and Flask-Limiter 1.4


EDIT-2: Here is the full working code that Flask-Limiter does not work on:

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python - Tryind to create custom error response for flask_limiter in a flask restful app

I was trying to create a flask app with certain limits on a particular endpoint. I have defined my app structure like so:

  • run.py - >. to instantiate and run the flask server
  • limiter.py - > the ratelmiter config file containing.
  • service.py -> Using Flask Pluggable Views
  • app.py-> to include all the routes

The rate limit seems to work properly but i the custom errorhandler doesn't seem to work. what i am trying to achieve is to capture 429 error code and return it as some other code in 2xx group because of some limitation on my server side, but this doesn;t seem to work even when i place it in the limiter.py file similarly. I have been stuck at this for hours!. Any help would be appreciated!.

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python - Flask-limiter - 如何找到 Flask-limiter 在 Redis 中存储的键名

我正在按用户限制我的应用程序。我想清除 redis 中给定用户的密钥。我怎样才能找到它是如何存储在 redis 中的。限制/存储中有一个明确的功能需要一个密钥,但我不知道密钥是如何存储在 Redis 中的

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python - Flask-limiter - 在 redis 中添加自定义键名

如何更改 Flask-limiter 存储在 Redis 中的键名?
