问题标签 [firemonkey-fm3]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
delphi - 未指定“teamID”,也未在存档中找到团队 ID
在尝试构建我的 firemonkey 应用程序的分发版本时,我遇到了以下错误。
[PAClient 错误] 错误:E0776 2020-07-21 16:50:36.073 xcodebuild[2035:200954] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/1d/j6b25yvj6wsg95yjm4m4p3dm0000gn/T /ExpenseClaims_2020-07-21_16-50-36.072.xcdistributionlogs'。
[PAClient 错误] 错误:E0776 错误:exportArchive:未指定“teamID”且存档中未找到团队 ID
[PAClient 错误] 错误:E0776 错误域 = IDEFoundationErrorDomain 代码 = 1“未指定 'teamID' 并且在存档中找不到团队 ID”UserInfo=
{NSLocalizedDescription=未指定“团队 ID”且存档中未找到团队 ID}