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c++ - Is there a 'catch' with FastFormat?

I just read about the FastFormat C++ i/o formatting library, and it seems too good to be true: Faster even than printf, typesafe, and with what I consider a pleasing interface:

This looks almost too good to be true. Is there a catch? Have you had good, bad or indifferent experiences with it?

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c++ - Windows FormatMessage 的安全/灵活外观


我刚刚阅读了FastFormat 介绍的第二部分,并且正在考虑为FormatMessage()编写一个扩展(或者询问FastFormat项目团队是否有一个在工作中),但我很想尽快得到一些东西,所以如果那里还有其他像样的东西,我可能会抓住它。





  • 它不是类型安全的,因为很容易传递任何类型 - int, std::string, void*-const char*
  • 参数的数量很容易与表示错误的格式字符串所需的数量不匹配


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c++ - 如何在接受无限数量参数的函数中保证类型安全?


它还声称“100% 类型安全”。我可以理解其他库是如何boost::format通过重载来实现的operator%,这也是我经常用我的代码做的事情。


旁注:如果您想知道“模板化运算符重载技巧”是什么,这就是 boost::format 的工作原理(主要):

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c++ - Do C++ formatting libraries generally fall back to *sprintf for numeric formatting?

I am wondering whether "all" C++ formatting libraries eventually fall back to a *sprintf function to format numbers.

I am asking this because:

  • Looking at the iostreams library that comes with Visual C++, I can see that numbers input into a stream will eventuall be formatted with sprintf_s.
  • Boost.Format just uses the available iostreams library as far as I can tell.
  • FastFormat eventually uses vsprintf to format a number.

So, are there iostreams implementations that do not use *sprintf and do the formatting themselves? Are there other formatting libraries that do not forward formatting of numbers to *sprintf family of functions?

I would appreciate answers in the form of:

  • No: implementation XY uses ABC to format numbers
  • Yes: all other (e.g. iostreams) implementations I know (X, Y, Z) also forward number formatting to stdio, because ...

Please avoid overly speculative answers.

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c++ - 如何使用 FastFormat 格式化带逗号的数字?



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c++ - OS X 上的快速格式化

在阅读了一些关于 FastFormat 的信息后,我决定将它下载并安装在运行 OS X 10.8 的 Macbook Pro 上。我成功构建了 FastFormat,并运行了性能测试。然后我写了一个小测试来检查它是否有效:

使用 g++-4.7 编译它(并确保所有包含路径都正确)后,我从 PlatformSTL 得到了编译时错误,如下面的错误。


OS X 是否支持 FastFormat,如果支持,我做错了什么?