问题标签 [erasure]

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scala - Scala中泛型类型的模式匹配

我有如下所示的 scala 函数:

现在,根据 T 的类型(在我的情况下,它可以是DoubleBooleanLocalDate,我需要在ob. 像这样的东西(我知道代码没有意义,但我试图传达我的意思):

考虑到 Scala 的 Erasure 属性,是否可以使用反射来完成工作?甚至可能吗?

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scala - 使用 Scala 泛型和清单在类中进行强制转换

我有两个班级,Holders(因为目前没有更好的名字)和 Holder。Holder 必须通过 Holders 接口,它有一个任意类型的 Holder 数组。因此,它必须采用 Any 类型。我想让 setValue 做类型检查 Any 输入确实是 T 类型。我读过一些关于使用清单的内容,但我有点迷失了。有什么办法可以做我想做的事吗?

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java - 区别只是 List 和 List and List

According erasure concept I thought that

List and List<Object> are indentically but I noticed that

List<String> strList = new ArrayL

According erasure concept I thought that

List and List<Object> are indentically but I noticed that

How to discern between network flows

I want to be able to discern between networks flows. I am defining a flow as a tuple of three values (sourceIP, destIP, protocol). I am storing these in a c++ map for fast access. However, if the destinationIP and the sourceIP are different, but contain the same values, (e.g. )

I would like to create a key that treats these as the same.

I could solve this by creating a secondary key and a primary key, and if the primary key doesn't match I could loop through the elements in my table and see if the secondary key matches, but this seems really inefficient.

I think this might be a perfect opportunity for hashing, but the it seems like string hashes are only available through boost, and we are not allowed to bring in libraries, and I am not sure if I know of a hash function that only computes on elements, not ordering.

How can I easily tell flows apart according to these rules?

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java - 泛型类中的泛型方法和非泛型类中的泛型方法的不同行为









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scala - Scala vs. Haskell 中 List[T] 和 Set[T] 的模式匹配:类型擦除的影响

与下面代码等效的 Haskell 会产生正确的答案吗?

可以修复此 Scala 代码以产生正确的答案吗?如果是,如何?



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scala - Scala 收集类型模式和类型擦除






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security - gcnew 和安全擦除

我有必须使用 gcnew 分配的内存(C++,将内存传递给托管代码),其中将包含安全信息(密码、HIPAA 数据等)。我意识到这样的内存是垃圾收集的,这意味着我无法控制它何时被释放。但是,如果有一种方法可以保证在我松开它之前安全地擦拭它,那将不是问题。

有没有办法保证 gcnew 的内存被安全擦除?在我的特殊情况下,我正在 gcnew'ing String 对象,但一般的方法会更好。

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java - 尝试打印 StringBuilder 类型时得到奇怪的输出:“com.jeanlucthumm.poem.Word@7852e922”

我的程序旨在通过重复打印随机生成的行来创建一首随机诗。我有一个名为 Line 的类,它有一个可以操作的字段线:



populateLine 选择并准备一个要添加到 StringBuilder 行的单词。Words 是 Word 类的对象,有两个字段:

其中 Type 是具有三种单词类型的枚举。






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scala - scala getClass and type erasure?

I am a little puzzled by the getClass method when used in generic type case:

Shouldn't this always been AnyRef or Any or something? Since type K info is not available in runtime?

but a(3) will output Int , and a("fdasf") will output String.

Alright, this is a silly question, I get confused by the K and key's type information.

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java - 由于类型擦除,构造函数不明确


代码中使用的OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport构造函数是在 1.6 中引入的。每当使用任何 1.6+ 编译代码时javac,我都会收到以下错误消息:


  1. 我知道使用原始类型是一种不当行为(openType应该声明为OpenType<?>,而不是OpenType),但是为什么 ctor 签名是模棱两可的?在第一种情况下,签名擦除是OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String, String, OpenType, Descriptor),而在第二种情况下OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport(String, String, OpenType, Object)javac应该只选择具有最具体类型(即Descriptor)的签名,不是吗?
  2. 我的同事声称他们可以使用任何 1.7 JDK 成功构建项目,并指定-source 1.6 -target 1.6,而我是唯一面临编译器错误的人。有没有办法编译代码而不改变它?我认为唯一的解决方法是将源级别设置为 1.4,这绝对不是我们的构建服务器使用的。