问题标签 [erase-remove-idiom]
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c++ - 从向量中移除项目,并对移除的项目进行变异
当返回 true 时,我不应该在谓词函数中这样做吗?感觉有点像混合关注点,但我能想到的唯一选择似乎更丑陋。
c++ - 删除第一个和最后一个字符 C++
如何从 std::string 中删除第一个和最后一个字符,我已经在执行以下代码。
c++ - 从 QHash 中删除元素范围
我使用 QHash 作为容器,我的任务是删除所有满足谓词的项目。起初我想使用Erase-remove 习惯用法,结果发现 QHash 没有删除范围的选项,而只有一个通过迭代器删除单个元素的函数。
这意味着一个问题:为什么 QHash 没有类似的功能以及如何从满足谓词的 QHash 中删除项目的最佳方式?
java - 使用方法删除重复项
编写一个测试程序,提示用户在列表中输入 10 个整数,并显示由一个空格分隔的不同整数。
c++ - In c++, is it safe to use std::numeric_limits::max() as a special "flag"?
where ind
is 1sorted in ascending order.
I want to do the equivalent of the following:
I came up with this:
This is very fast, but it doesn't feel right to use the std::numeric_limits::max() as a flag in this context.
Of course feelings shouldn't play too much into the equation ... clearly comparing the doubles within the std::remove is safe, and the limit will never occur in practice in this vector in a working application, so it should be ok, no?
Any thoughts on this?
1) Ref comment by the OP. – Alf
c++ - std::erase 和 std::remove 组合删除特定元素不适用于特定示例
对于这个特定的例子,我的 GNU gdb Ubuntu 7.7.1 声明在返回 1 行: a = {2,3,7,1,5,4} 不是预期的(只删除一个 1),并且 b = {7 ,4,3,3,1} 这不是预期的。
我的期望是 b 应该是 a=2,3,7,5,4 和 b=7,4,3,3,1,7。
stl - 并行化 STL 列表擦除功能时出现分段错误
我正在尝试使用 Open MP 并行化我的 C++ 代码,但我遇到了分段错误,串行版本运行良好。我使用了 gdb 调试器,并且我知道在擦除 STL 列表的元素之一时会发生错误。
在下面的代码中,我有一个向量,其中包含具有 ID(boxID1 和 boxID2)的粒子对,并且每个粒子都有一个与之关联的实际联系人列表。然后我添加和删除粒子是否在给定列表中接触。
c++ - Using erase-remove idiom for function
Stacked people.
Iam trying to implement an observer(esque?) pattern for my program. I have a component which stores what functions should be called if an event occours. My prolem is that i dont know how should i erase my function from the container, if the need arises. Tried storing the functions by reference, but iam not sure how to do that(or if thats possible.)
c++ - 向量包含类对象,类对象每个对象包含 3 个字符串。我如何找到特定的字符串,然后删除整个元素?
我有一个包含 3 个元素的类,例如 {first_name, Last_name, Phone}
我有一个包含这组信息的向量。我可以通过什么方式查找集合中的单个元素,例如 find(last_name),然后删除包含该特定姓氏的所有元素?
当我编译项目时,头文件 stl_algo.h 打开并指向第 1133 行。任何帮助将不胜感激!谢谢你!
c++ - Why is a convenience helper for the erase-remove-idiom not provided by the standard?
Removing items from a collection in the STL requires a technique used so often that is has become an idiom: the erase-remove-idiom
One of the most common usages of this idiom is to remove an item of type T
from a vector<T>
This is obviously very verbose, and violates the DRY principle - the vector in question is required 4 times there.
So my question is why does the standard not provide a convenience helper?
Something like
This could obviously be extended to