问题标签 [endpoint]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
endpoint - Azure 如何创建具有负载平衡的内部端点?
Web 角色或辅助角色的内部端点如何具有负载平衡?如果我将 ServiceDefinition.csdef 中的端点声明为<InternalEndpoint name="GeneratePDF" protocol="tcp" />
wcf - 从 localhost --> 服务器部署时,如何避免切换 WCF 端点?
我得到的最接近的是这篇文章,但它似乎指的是 Silverlight,我只是从一个 asp.net 站点打来的。
wcf - 如何在 WCF 端点的 XML 配置中指定合同的命名空间?
我有这个 WCF 服务合同(非常简化,但要注意它所在的命名空间):
. 我只能通过将contract
这是为什么?这个错误可能来自哪里?为什么我不能提及合约类型的命名空间部分?这不应该导致 WCF 找不到匹配的端点吗?
回复下面@Ladislav Mrnka 评论中的问题:
我通过 Visual Studio 的添加服务引用工具生成了上述服务合同以及
实现它的类。我指定了由其他人运行的 URL 。那就是我还指定应该将服务放在命名空间中的地方。BarService
wcf - REST 服务的 system.servicemodel endpoint.address 元素的解释
我有一个 WCF 休息网络服务。它工作正常。我想了解端点元素中可用的不同配置值。
特别是,我试图了解地址元素的用途。更改值似乎并没有改变我处理服务的方式。为此,我从 Visual Studio 2010 和 cassini 运行该服务。端口号设置为 888。
地址设置为空字符串我得到... http://localhost:888/restDataService.svc/hello将返回“hello world”。
地址设置为“localhost”我得到... http://localhost:888/restDataService.svc/hello将返回“hello world”。
地址设置为“pox”我得到... http://localhost:888/restDataService.svc/hello将返回“hello world”。
我在地址字段中设置的值无关紧要。它不影响网址。我唯一的解释是非 REST 服务的价值更高。
在 .svc
wcf - WCF basic HTTP and NetTCP binding, exposing both via Mex
I'm having some difficulty getting my WCF service configured. My requirement is that it exposes a basicHttpBinding endpoint as well as a netTcpBinding endpoint. Some of my clients are .NET 2.0, and need to be able to generate a proxy via WSDL.exe.
It seems to work for the most part - but when I attempt to get the WSDL, it's not cooperating. In a browser, it gives me back some SOAP XML tags, but definitely not a full WSDL. WSDL.exe gives me a series of errors:
Error: There was an error processing ''.
- The document was understood, but it could not be processed.
- The WSDL document contains links that could not be resolved.
- There was an error downloading 'http://localhost:9877/MyService/basicHttp?wsdl=wsdl0'.
- The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.
Here's my host configuration. Does anything jump out as wrong here?
wcf - 如何在 WCF 中设置多个后备端点
如何设置回退端点。我在 conifg 文件中指定了多个端点,如下所示。如果该服务不可访问,那么我的客户应该检查列表中指定的下一个地址。
wcf - 定义 web.config 端点和注册 global.asax 路由有什么区别?
在 web.config 中定义端点和在 global.asax 中注册路由(对于服务)有什么区别,如下所示:
java - 是否可以覆盖 Tomcat 中的默认连接器类实现?
从 tomcat 6 文档看来,您可以设置诸如 Context (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/context.html)、Engine (http://tomcat.html) 之类的类名。 apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/engine.html)和主机(http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/host.html),但不是连接器。
.net - accessing a webservice through class library in .net3.5 vs2008
I had a webservice which i was directly accessing from my webform. I used a service reference in my wesite and used a serviceclient on my webform which worked fine.
Now i removed the service reference from my website and created a class library hich consumes this webservice the same way usinfg a service reference and service client in the class.
when i try to use this class library now it gives me an error that no default endpoint found for the contract. Also i had changed the namespace of my class library and also changed it in settings and assembly files. the dll still has the old name :( I've added a reference of this class library in my website.
where am i going wrong.
java - 找不到端点引用的服务
我需要调用一个使用axis2构建的网络服务。当我尝试调用此服务时,它会引发异常。此异常是:找不到端点引用的服务。在 wsdl 文件中,我将 location 属性设置为:http://localhost:8080/SMSWebServer/services/SMSWS。
在客户端中,我使用该端点来调用 Web 服务。