问题标签 [embedded-ruby]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ruby-on-rails - 如何防止密码在 ruby​​ 模板文件中显示

我正在通过登录下拉一些 html。无论如何,我的密码不是在代码中以纯文本形式输入的吗?我可以使用一些混淆技术吗?

理想情况下,我想要一个包含我的密码的文件,该文件与我想共享的源代码分开。加载保存在 \docs\mypass.txt 中的密码的东西会很好用。然后我可以修改它来对我的真实密码进行简单的解读,这样我就可以在 mypass.txt 中保留一个加扰的版本


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c++ - 用 C++ 扩展 Ruby,怎么可能需要内存中的 rb 文件?

我在 Rubysource 中寻找时间,我正在尝试用 C++ 扩展 Ruby。我的问题是,因为很难在 Rubycode 中找到一些东西:如何从内存而不是文件中解释 ruby​​-code。我的意思是,我想从内存中解释我自己的加密 ruby​​ 代码。我当前用于解释 ruby​​ 文件的代码如下所示:

但我不想从我的硬盘加载我的 ruby​​ 文件,而是从我的记忆中加载(遵守 utf-8 编码,因此 rb_eval_string 将不起作用)。一种更好的思考方法:我想将我的 ruby​​ 代码解释为 c 字符串,并遵守 utf-8 编码 inclusive bom。

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ruby-on-rails - Html5 - W3C 验证错误 - Rails(嵌入式 Ruby)






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ruby-on-rails - Rails4 - 禁止在网页中发布查看评论


-- 我的视图中有很多评论和评论行,如下所示

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ruby-on-rails - 未显示的值——在锚标记的 innerHTML 中嵌入了 ruby

我有一个用于导航栏的嵌入式 ruby​​ 布局文件。锚标记的 innerHTML 包含一个嵌入的 ruby​​ 片段,该片段调用字符串的值。


  • 锚标记的空白标题
  • Rails 没有抛出错误页面

如果我有,<a id="show_string" class="brand" >This is Plain Text</a>那么它将显示“这是纯文本”作为锚标记的标题。

  • 嵌入的 ruby​​ 和 innerHTML 有冲突吗?
  • 语法/嵌入式 ruby​​ 的使用不正确?
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html - 2 Columns. How to Make the Right Even Down?

I'm trying to turn this index file into two columns where the left side is the value names (i.e. "Be the change you wish to see in the world") and the right side are their respective categories, edit paths, and delete paths.

Ideally I'd like the value attributes to not shift according to the length of the value name, but instead be fixed. It should also be fixed to the first line of the name (if the name is really long the name would line break until finished).

I hope I didn't make it sounded too complicated. I think it should be simple I've just had a hard time finding the answer. Thanks for any help given!

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html - Do I need a controller for any routes in Rails?

I am implementing an html template for a Contact us page in my app. I am wondering if I can somehow pass a link for that page, which will have no behaviour, without having to generate a new controller which seems to be not possible. I tried to place the template in the public folder and then pass a link to /public/contact, being the template contact.html.erb, but rails returns a uninitialised controller routing error.

here is what I have set in the routes.rb file

get 'public/contact'

and this is the application.html.erb that carries my link to that


Notice that we have also the path info/news and info/faq

I had generated a controller info to handle all these static pages. I would just like to know if this a good practice or should I use other drier way to implement this?

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ruby-on-rails - 设置 options_for_select 的值和名称










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html - collection_select 和 collection_checked_boxes 之间的区别



show.html.erb 中



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ruby - 证书已经在哈希表异常中

我正在使用chef dk 12版,我已经完成了基本设置并上传了许多食谱,目前我在我的default.rb中使用remote_directory 我观察到的是,只要目录中有太多文件/层次结构,上传就会失败,如下所示例外 :-


我在这里检查了这个问题,但它没有解决我的问题 Chef 使用嵌入式 ruby​​ 和 openssl 供不与 Chef 合作的人使用

关于tensibai建议的一些更新,自从添加选项后,例外情况发生了变化--concurrency 1,最初我收到了, INFO: HTTP Request Returned 403 Forbidden:ERROR: Failed to upload filepath\file (7a81e65b51f0d514ec645da49de6417d) to example.com:443/bookshelf/… 3088476d373416dfbaf187590b5d5687210a75&Expires=1435139052&Signature=SP/70MZP4C2U‌​dUd9%2B5Ct1jEV1EQ%3D : 403 "Forbidden" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message>

然后昨天变成了 INFO: HTTP Request Returned 413 Request Entity Too Large: error ERROR: Request Entity Too Large Response: JSON must be no more than 1000000 bytes.


Knife --version结果厨师:12.3.0