问题标签 [eggplant]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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eggplant - 茄子功能 r21 反应迟缓/无响应

我在具有 8 GB 内存的 2.70 GHz 处理器上运行 Eggplant Functional 版本 21。

任务管理器显示大约 10% 的 CPU 使用率和大约 40% 的内存。


他们大约每2分钟出现一次。每当我打字或捕捉图像时;我需要等待 5 到 10 秒,有时长达一分钟。

在此过程中,我可以毫不犹豫地使用 EXCEL、WORD、写字板、Paint。

我将任务管理器保持在屏幕下方,CPU 使用率在 6% 到 20% 之间。



我知道“Release v15.11(2015 年 3 月 26 日)”报告纠正了“解决了 eggPlant 功能响应缓慢/无响应的问题”

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testing - eggPlant 性能工具中的真实浏览器指标

我们的组织需要在协议级别(HTTP 请求)和 UI 级别(浏览器操作)执行性能测试。

经过一番探索,我发现eggPlant在eggPlant Performance中有执行功能脚本的选项。有人知道 eggPlant Performance 提供的所有 Real Browser Metrics 是什么吗?


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eggplant - Egglpant 停止测试用例

我有一个问题,关于停止 Eggplant 中的测试用例。我正在使用 Gherkin 语言创建一个处理程序,我在其中运行脚本或创建代码。我正在尝试使用 assert 来停止测试用例,但它只会停止启动的处理程序。有没有办法用命令停止测试?

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automation - 获得警告标志:OMEGA13 已使用但从未设置(将评估为其名称)

从 Script Checker 收到警告:“OMEGA13 已使用但从未设置(将评估为其名称)”



Eggplant 文档 - 高级脚本:使用 Omega13 进行错误恢复

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automation - 茄子 - 如何将动态值存储到excel单元格中


我将计数器值从运行窗口存储到 currentRow.passed 字段中,但 excel 没有更新。我错过了什么吗?我想存储到当前行的“通过”列。

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svn - 如何在 Eggplant 上使用 TFS(Team Foundation Server)?

我一直在尝试搜索如何使用 TFS 并获取 Repo URL。他们中的大多数人说我可以从网站上的 URL 链接获取 TFS Repo。

但是当我在茄子上尝试克隆/结帐回购时,我收到“400 Bad Request”

  1. 在 Preference -> Account -> Subversion Account 上添加 TortoiseSVN bin
  2. File -> clone/checkout repo:从下拉 Repo Type 中选择“SVN”并输入 TFS repo(直接从网站复制)


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string - 茄子 ImageFound([text]) 找不到带撇号的字符串 '

我的 SUT 中有这个字符串'LOAD' button,然后我试图使用命令查找脚本中是否存在这个文本,ImageFound(text:"'LOAD' button)但它总是返回错误。我能够找到单词 LOAD 本身,但是当我在它周围添加撇号时,结果不正确。

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c# - How to submit a string in a Request using C# for Eggplant Performance

Greeting for 2022.

I am currently evaluating a performance tool called Eggplant performance using a C#.

The application I am testing against has a user set password that requires me to insert certain random characters of my password.

Example: Password = password1 Then the application will make me insert 3characters of my password randomly.

Each required field gets an ID that is between 7-9 characters long, but always longer than 6 and shorter than 10.

The payload down the wire then looks like this:

B806b8220=s&e210cdd9=s&cd5d5105=d&landingpage=express etc.

I have been able to do the work correlating those fields and and getting the logic around that.

What I am struggling with, and it is because I do not have a dev background is submitting this back down the wire.

The correlated build up value looks like below:

Passphrase is set as string

And where i need to submit it is:

Submit the Request

I receive a bunch of errors all over the place.

Any guidance into the right way will be much appreciated. (Using Visual Studio 2015)

////Additional Information:

The code where the extraction happens. I extract 9 ID's (as the password1 is 9 characters).

I then Say if the ID extracted is bigger than 6, use that plus add the correlated password piece. This works 100%

Then in the request where this is parsed back to the website:

When it comes to building the string Passphrase I can see that it works correctly:

The string builds correctly

And when it comes to the sending of the request this is the response:

The errors that is logged once I try send the request