问题标签 [eclipse-adt]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
android - 在 Eclipse 中将自定义参数传递给 aapt
是否可以告诉 Eclipse 为 aapt 使用一些额外的参数(具体为 -0)?
我一直在寻找过去几个小时,我想出的最好的技巧是为 aapt 工具创建一个包装器,以将参数注入命令行。这种方法的问题在于,每当我丢失那个包装器时,我就会悄悄地在我的应用程序中引入一个错误。
android - Developing Android Applications with an HTC Tattoo Phone
Has anyone managed to develop Android Applications using Eclipse on the Windows platform. I understand the ADB needs to recognize specific models of phone and wondered if the Tattoo is supported.
android - 如何在真实设备上调试(使用 Eclipse/ADT)
我试图弄清楚如何直接在我的手机上调试应用程序(HTC Desire)。
我已经安装了手机随附的 USB 驱动程序,并且在使用“adb devices”时会列出手机。
如何将 eclipse/ADT 配置为在手机上启动而不是启动模拟器/虚拟设备?
android - AVDs that exist do not get listed in the "Target Tab"
I am using emulator Android 2.1 with Eclipse. For few days I had the emulator working ... was able to debug... I had 2 AVDs created and was using one of them. Earlier today I had to move my classes to a different package. Ever since I did that the configuration that I had has disappeared . So now I had to create configuration - I select Android Application and then click New - gave it a name TestPrjCfg - when I go to the "Target" tab - I see "No AVD available" but when I click manager I see two AVDs listed. I tired refresh in the "Target" tab - the existing AVDs do not show up. I used the Manager and created a third AVD that did not help either. Please let me know what am I missing here? What should I do so that the existing AVDs showup in the "Target" tab?
android - 如何在 Android 中诊断(ScrollView 中的 RadioGroup)
我想在 ScrollView 中放置一个工作 RadioGroup。
(在 Eclipse 中使用带有 AVD 的调试模式)。某处是否有错误消息指出这些属性丢失?
android - Eclipse 和 Android XML 布局给出“‘默认’不是任何设备/语言环境组合的最佳匹配”
这是我第一次使用 XML 布局制作应用程序。过去我总是在运行时动态生成布局,所以不用担心,我不是 Android 新手。不过,这是我第一次使用静态布局。那么这条消息是关于什么的呢?
[2010-09-22 20:43:23 - Rockport] 'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination.
[2010-09-22 20:43:23 - Rockport] Displaying it with 'Locale Language ___Region __, Normal Screen, Short screen aspect ratio, Landscape Orientation, No Dock, Day time, Medium Density, Finger-based touchscreen, Soft keyboard, Qwerty keybard, Trackball navigation, Screen resolution 480x320'
文件夹中的一个布局时,它都会打印到我的 Eclipse 控制台。如果我从任何其他文件夹打开布局,例如layout-land/
然后我没有收到任何消息。只是图形布局编辑器在说,“这就是我要为你展示的方式吗?” 我可以放心地忽略它吗?
android - 如何在 Eclipse 中安装 Android ADT 插件?
我按照ADT Plugin for Eclipse的说明进行操作,但在 Eclipse 中安装时收到此消息:
我已经尝试过 64 位和 32 位 Eclipse Galileo 全新安装。我正在使用 Windows 7。
更新:我按照在 Eclipse 3.5.1 上安装 Android 开发工具所需的 org.eclipse.gef 0.0.0上的步骤并安装了 GEF SDK 3.5.2,但现在在安装 ADT 时我收到了一条新的类似错误消息:
如何在 Windows 上安装适用于 Eclipse 3.5.2 的 Android ADT 插件?
android - 图像徽标应保持与设备屏幕尺寸相关的尺寸
在我的 main.xml 中使用布局选项卡(而不是编码选项卡)时,我正在尝试为我的应用程序打开时创建一个主屏幕。
顶部中心会有徽标,然后是下面的 3 个简单按钮,全部居中。
我不想将草率的代码写到我的程序在我的屏幕上看起来很好(UI 方面)并且在其他屏幕上的格式很差的地方。
android - Replace (or "Override") String in Android Library Project
I've been trying to make an android library project, and while the build process works fine, I've been running into some trouble with replacing a resource in the project which uses the library.
In my library I have:
containingA java file which calls
/li>A resource
In the project using the library I have
A resource
The behavior I expect is that when I run the project using the library, the text view displays Actual string content, but it actually contains false.
Looking in the app which uses the library, I do see two R
files, and both of them have R.string.my_string
and both of those are equal to the same numeric value.
android - 使用 Eclipse 3.6.1 正确安装 Android SDK、ADT
按照发布的 Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic 和 Android SDK 说明,ADT(其中 OS 2.3 是最新的)错过了几个步骤。在 Eclipse 中加载 ADT 之前,一切似乎都正常。在执行此操作之前,将以下依赖项站点添加到列表中并启用它们,以便 ADT 安装程序获取所有依赖项(感谢 MissKaho 提供的简明列表)。
Eclipse GEF - download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases/
Eclipse EMF - download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/updates/releases/
Eclipse GMF - download.eclipse.org/modeling/gmf/updates/releases
Eclipse Webtools - download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/
谷歌 eclipse 插件- dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.6