问题标签 [easyphp-webserver]
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easyphp - 如何向 EasyPHP DevServer 添加额外的 PHP 版本
我在我的 Windows 10 机器上启动并运行了 EasyPHP DevServer 17。我目前在我的C:\EasyPHP
目录中安装了我的 EasyPHP 环境。我可以从服务器设置中看到我有两个选项来选择我的 PHP 版本:
5.6.30 x86
和7.1.3 x86
如何在列表中添加第三个选项?对于 PHP 7.3 x86
- 我是否必须重新安装一个全新的 EasyPHP DevServer 实例才能做到这一点?
- 我可以简单地在线下载一个线程安全的 PHP7.X 包并将其粘贴在 eds-binaries 目录中的某个位置并重新启动吗?
windows - Use a batch file to automatically start 5 separate cmd prompts, where each cmd prompt points to a different directory and starting the php web server
I hope you can help me out with this issue, which I thought would be quite trivial but is turning out to be quite a bugger. As mentioned in the subject line this is what I want to accomplish:
- Automatically run 5 command prompts, each new command prompt needs to do the following
- Change directories to a specific location
- start the built in php web server
This is the code I currently have for my .bat file:
Update (here are the working commands after some tweaking)
Thanks very much. Cheers, Tim K