问题标签 [dynamic-data-display]

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php - PHP MYSQL 链接下拉如何显示数据

我有它的工作。只有 1 个问题.. 我无法显示所选的 RESPO/OFFICE。当我选择 RESPO/OFFICE 时,它会整理出选定的 RESPO/OFFICE... 我应该修改我的代码或添加代码.. 请帮助!

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c# - C# dynamic data display - update LineGraph

In my XAML file, I create a ChartPlotter then I create in c# my LineGraphs and attatch them to my ChartPlotter. I tried to find a way to update these LineGraphs after their creation, but it always failed.

The only solution I found, is that I delete all LineGraphs , re-create them with new values and finally link them to my ChartPlotter.

How can I update LineGraph ?

PS : lgs is my LineGraph array.

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php - 如何仅在数据库中的网页上显示 ACTIVE 已发布的博客?

如何从数据库中获取并回显标题、描述和图像,将我存储在数据库中的所有已发布博客列出到网页上?我想在网页上列出它们,有点像 Dreamweaver 的重复区域。

我在数据库中有一个名为 Publish 的表字段。用户必须选择是或否。我只想在网页上显示设置为“是”的已发布博客。


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java - 如何将我的数据更新到我的活动中?




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c# - "Dynamically" Generate a WPF View C# for Plotting with DynamicDataDisplay

I am writing a WPF application in C#. This application is design using MVVM.

Currently, I have a parent window with a few check boxes. Use user can check whichever boxes they want and then click the "plot" Button. Once they click "plot", a new child window comes up displaying the data on a single graph.

So, if I have only 1 check box checked, and then click "plot", I will see a graph with a single line on it. If I have 2 check boxes check and click "plot", I will see the same single graph, but it will have 2 lines on it.

My current Implementation:

Currently, I have a "view" class called GraphWindowView. The view obviously needs to know of which data to show. So to do that, I have dependency properties GraphWindowView.Dates and GraphWindowView.Data which ultimatley produces a graph of Data (y axis) vs. Dates (x axis).

Question: This current implementation of GraphWindowView is obviously restricted to only being able to graph one set of data (i.e. Data vs. Dates). I would like to make this (a lot) more extensible and have an arbitrary number of plots available depending on how much check boxes are checked. How would I go about doing this? I think I need to rethink my use of dependency properties...


So I made a GraphLine class which should represent a line on the graph. The "graph" is actually a ChartPlotter element in the GraphWindowPresenter.xaml class. Additionally, I specified a DataType for the GraphLine objects, but that is all I understand. What are the next steps to this, how do I actually add the data to the graph? And how/where do I make instances of GraphLine to populate the ChartPlotter element? Sorry I am pretty lost on this, even after reading quite a few tutorials. Thanks for all the help so far, I really appreciate it!



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c# - C# 动态数据显示 InjectedPlotter 多个 Y 轴

我已经定义了一个ChartPlotter和一个InjectedChartPlotter。第一个用于显示电压数据,第二个用于显示电流数据。该数据是动态测量的。我的两种类型的数据必须只共享 X 轴(时间轴)。但现在,它们共享所有轴(X 和 Y)。我想为每种类型的数据定义一个特定的 Y 轴。我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

我的 ChartPlotter 和我的 InjectedChartPloatter :


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c# - 使用动态数据显示 (D3) 生成具有多个 Y 轴的图形



根据选中的框,我想在用户单击 a 时在图表上绘制一条线Button我想要同一张上的所有线条。

问题是,根据单击的框,我可能需要一个额外的轴来绘制。例如,如果我有 3 个复选框 1 2 和 3。数字 1 和 2 的单位为英寸,复选框 3 的单位为加仑。如果选中所有 3 个,我将需要左侧(或右侧)的英寸垂直轴和右侧的加仑轴(绘制 3)。

如何使用 D3 以编程方式执行此操作?根本没有太多文档,我需要在网上看到一个明确的答案。


在我GraphWindowView.xaml显然只有 2 个轴。如果可能,我想使用后面的代码添加一个。


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c# - 动态数据显示 (D3) - 生成多个图表

我们正在尝试使用 Microsoft 动态数据显示 (D3)。使用 D3,我们需要在 TimeChartPlotter 中使用多个 LineGraph。因此,最好创建与特定集合(例如ObservalbleCollection<GraphItem>)的绑定,以便在当前绘图仪中将其项目显示为 LineGraphs。



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c# - 具有依赖属性的 WPF 绑定。数据不显示的问题

我整个早上都在尝试让这个工作没有运气。我正在使用 DynamicDataDisplay (D3) 来显示图表。这是我使用 xaml 定义的简单视图。


当我使用绑定到的当前设置时, inInjectedPlotter根本不显示。我在断点处设置,我看到它实际上是一个已定义的字符串并且它不为空。ContentPath=yAxis2yAxis2

当我实际上硬编码一个这样的值时Content="DEFAULT TITLE",它就变成了:





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c# - 如何动态更改 D3 中线图的不透明度?

我在 WPF 中使用动态数据显示库。我有我的 LineGraph 链接到我的海图仪。当我启动应用程序时,我可以在绘图仪中看到它。
