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drupal - Drupal Commerce Kickstart 2 更改变体和内容类型以修改产品的显示方式

我正在通过 Commerce Kickstart 2 安装来学习 Drupal Commerce。我已经部分了解了产品的显示方式,包括变体类型和内容类型。




我正在运行 Drupal 7 和 Commerce Kickstart 2

我想知道如何在我的 drupal 商务网站中为产品字段定义新位置。

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image - Drupal Commerce Product image is not shown in View Mode Node:Product List

I'm starting with Commerce Kickstart 2 together with demo store.

I added a product and upload one image, this product has one of the demo store variation types (Bags & Cases) and the product display type associated.

It seems simple since I didn't change nothing. But when I click in main menu the products already there are listed fine, with product image, only my new product don't show the image.

I see in variation types Bags & Cases that the Images field, Column Format, is defined as image delta, Image style: product_medium. And that is the point. In MySite/sites/default/files/styles directory are the styles of images. In that directory there is the product_medium directory where the images showed when in View Mode Node:Product list (the list of bags listed when click in To carry).

Well, the fact is when I create the product there is no option to load an image that will saved in MySite/sites/default/files/styles/product_medium directory. And that's the problem. Since when I manually copy the image to that directory, the image is showed up.

Where I define this product_medium image?

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php - 与 Amazon Associates 的网站集成

我正在尝试将我的 Drupal 网站与我的 Amazon Associates 商店集成。


  1. 在亚马逊上管理库存
  2. 网站与亚马逊 API 同步数据以了解库存状态
  3. 管理亚马逊上的订单
  4. 保留我的 Drupal 网站设计


  1. 用户进入我的 Drupal 网站(我的设计)
  2. 将任何产品添加到购物车(我的设计)
  3. 在亚马逊上结账他的购物车(亚马逊设计)

如果有人指出我应该使用哪个 Amazon API,我将不胜感激:

  • 同步库存状态
  • 在我的网站上创建购物车并在亚马逊上结帐。
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drupal - Drupal form_set_cache 太慢了

我正在运行一个 drupal 商务站点,该站点的第一个请求大约需要 3 秒才能加载。它太高了。在分析时我发现它是因为 form_set_cache 需要大约 2.5 秒才能插入。

如何解决这个问题,我读到没有规定将 form_set_cache 移动到 memcache,因为它不是静态的,我们如何改进这一点。

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php - 想要定位数组中的数组元素


我将如何定位名为 11 的活动数组的项目并使其禁用,因为它是单选组中的单选按钮。有人可以解释一下吗。

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drupal - 如何在drupal commerce中为订单总额添加自定义折扣



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drupal-7 - 是否可以在同一个项目中使用 Drupal Commerce 和 Ubercart?

我正在为一家旅行社开发电子商务网站。有 4-5 个功能,如酒店、旅游等。我已经完成了它的旅游部分的开发。旅游定价是使用 Ubercart 模块开发的。但由于 Ubercart 的一些限制功能,我想使用 Drupal commerce 进行酒店定价。现在我想知道在这个项目中是否可以将 Ubercart 用于 Tour Section 和 Drupal commerce 用于 Hotel Section?

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drupal - 带有产品选项集的 Drupal 运输规则

我在其中一个 Drupal 产品上设置了定价属性选项。我正在尝试创建解决以下问题的运输规则:

1) 用户选择了产品的哪个选项 2) 用户的地址在哪里



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drupal - Drupal Commerce 以编程方式完成订单并创建新购物车


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sql - Querying Users based on role and billing address drupal

I am trying to write a query that displays a list of users based on their role and billing address.

I am getting results back but some of the data is wrong. I know for instance that some of the users returned live in the UK but a US address is showing.

The query I have is

I think I have got the joins wrong but I am a bit lost, and would appreciate any tips.