问题标签 [docker-toolbox]
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docker - 无法创建仅限主机的适配器 - windows 10、docker、virtualbox
在使用 docker 工具箱一段时间后,我最近遇到了这个问题。
Windows 10 家庭版 - 64
卸载并重新安装 Docker 工具箱
卸载并重新安装了各种版本的 VirtualBox
docker - 从本地 Dockerfile 构建的 Docker 挂起(Windows 10)
我是 Docker 的新手,我正在尝试在我的 Windows 10 机器上运行 Dockerfile,但它最初挂起并且没有做任何事情。
我的 Dockerfile:
我来自 docker 的命令
安装在 Windows 10 家庭版上的 Docker 工具箱
Dockerfile 位置:
编辑:我能够很好地加载其他 docker 容器。当我尝试访问本地 Dockerfile 时,Docker 只是挂起。
docker - Docker 工具箱清理磁盘空间
使用带有 Virtualbox 的 Docker Toolbox for Windows,我运行了以下命令来清理 docker:
docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)
我相信这是因为我在非 Linux 系统上使用了 Docker Toolbox。因此,我未使用卷的路径已关闭?
Docker Toolbox 将它创建的图像存储在哪个目录中?
docker - 当文件夹位于桌面但不会在 C 驱动器中时,Node.js docker 容器运行
我有一个从 docker-compose 文件开始的多容器设置。一切正常,直到我将我的设置替换到我的 C 驱动器中的任何文件夹。
例如; 当我在这里调用“docker-compose up”时,它工作正常:C:\Users\me\Desktop\PrototypeEnvironment\Software\DataSearch
我正在使用 Windows 的 Docker 工具箱有没有人知道为什么会发生这种情况。如果您需要更多信息,请询问。提前致谢。
linux - 当卷挂载不起作用时,如何定期备份 Docker 容器中的 Postgres 数据库?
我正在运行 Windows 8.1 64 位,以及 Virtualbox 和 Docker-Toolbox 的最新版本。大多数一切都正常工作,但是根据这个线程,安装 Postgresql 容器的数据目录会引发错误。这有点烦人,因为我希望能够备份数据库以提交/手头。
还有其他方法可以做到这一点吗?我正在考虑使用 Docker 信号并捕获 sigkill/sigterm,但我希望有一个更好的内置方法 - 无论是在 Docker 中,还是在 Postgresql 本身中,而不是仅仅在容器停止时运行脚本来导出 .sql。
docker-toolbox - Windows 7 上的 Docker Toolbox 共享卷
我正在尝试通过我的 Windows 7 计算机上的 docker 容器设置环境。我在将文件夹安装到我的容器时遇到问题。当我跑
我没有收到任何错误,但在 docker 中我无法从我的 Windows 主机中看到我的文件:
是空的,但在我的 Windows 计算机上,我在 C:/Users/Public/docker_share 中有一个文本文件和一个文件夹
(Docker 版本 17.03.1-ce,构建 c6d412e)
docker - Docker Toolbox 端口映射不起作用
我已经在 Windows 机器上安装了 docker 工具箱,在使用以下命令运行容器后,我没有看到在我的主机指定端口(82)上监听任何东西。
它确实返回了 html 源内容,这意味着容器运行正常。这种意外行为的原因可能是什么?
php - Docker container change behaviour on different hosts
I build a docker container using differents tools (sentinelsat et sen2cor) :
The issue I have is that when running on my laptop on Windows using docker toolbox with this configuration :
The container executes the actions asked by the PHP perfectly. I am trying to run this container on a virtual machine with this configuration :
and this docker configuration :
And I have permissions issue when the container try to access the repo /root/sen2cor/ to create a log. The repo /root/ and /root/sen2cor both have the permissions needed to be writable by the PHP.
I tried using chmod 777
on both, it doesn't solve the issue.
I also tried differents versions of Docker on Windows, the 17.04, and the 17.05, and the container works perfectly on both.
I have tried using sudo docker run ..
on the virtual machine and I also tried adding an user to the docker group, and then runnning docker run ..
and I have the same permission issue.
I even tried building the image on my windows setup (tested it and it worked) then upload it on dockerhub and pull it from the virtual machine to run it, but it still had the permissions issues.
Any ideas ?
maven - SpringBoot Docker 无法找到请求目标的有效认证路径
我正在使用 DockerToolBox。我正在尝试将 Spring-Boot 与 Docker 一起使用。我正在关注本教程。我的项目的 pom.xml 是这样的:
当我运行此命令时:mvn package docker:build
Docker 没有运行。我启动了 docker,然后运行命令,它给出了以下错误:
docker - Setting up Gitlab using Docker on Windows host, issue with shared folders
Does anyone know how to solve the "Failed asserting that ownership of "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" was git" error?
I want to set up the Gitlab Docker on WindowsServer2012R2 running Docker toolbox, version 17.04.0-ce, build 4845c56.
I can't get the shared folder to work properly on the D drive of the server. I read that I needed to add the folder to the VirtualBox VM, which I did via the settings/shared folder menu in the VB GUI. I set a name "gitlab" to the path "D:\data\gitlab" then checked auto-mount, make permanent, and set it to full access.
I started the docker machine and ran "docker-machine ssh $machine-name". I noticed that there was no /media directory and so I added a folder at the home directory (/home/docker/gitlab) and then mounted the shared folder using the following command I found in several forums:
At this point I can add files to the Windows host directory or the Docker VM and it seems to work fine and the test files show up.
Now when I spin up the Gitlab Docker image, I use the following command modified from their documentation:
Now I know that it appears to be writing to the shared drive, because all of these files are generated, but then it crashes after a few seconds and I receive the following error log.
Error Log:
Does anyone know how to solve the "Failed asserting that ownership of "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" was git" error? I'm still somewhat new to Docker/setting up Gitlab, so it's very possible I could have overlooked something simple. I've spent several hours Googling this, and it seems that others also have a lot of issues getting shared folders to work from Windows using the Docker Toolbox, so hopefully this will help others as well.