问题标签 [django-mssql]

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python - AttributeError: module 'six' has no attribute 'memoryview' occurs when configuring django database for django-mssql

My Django is the latest version, python3.8. I want to configure the database for sql server 2008 R2, so I install django-mssql(aka,sqlserver_ado). After running the server, an error occurs:

Following this suggestion,

I open "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\sqlserver_ado\dbapi.py" and change "from django.utils import six" to "import six" , as well as upgrading the six module to latest version.

And this time another Error raised:

I check the six module, and yes, it doesn't include a single word named "memoryview". But why the dbapi.py include the code "Binary = six.memoryview"? And I search "six.memoryview" on Google.So many results but I can't understand.

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django - 将模型迁移到 sql server 时出现 Keyerror 'include'

我有一个 django 应用程序,并将后端作为 Microsoft sql server。为此,我安装了“pip install django-mssql-backend”。



  1. django_migrations
  2. django_content_type


下面是 Forms.py

Django 版本:3.2


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python - 如何从 django 为 SQL Server 执行原始 sql 语句?


当我尝试从 django 执行它时

