问题标签 [distinguishedname]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
c# - 从当前登录用户的 Active Directory 中获取专有名称
如何从 C# 中当前登录用户的 Active Directory 中获取可分辨名称?
active-directory - 我在哪里可以找到 LDAP 活动目录消息列表及其含义?
LDAPException:无效凭据 (49) 无效凭据
LDAPException:服务器消息:80090308:LdapErr:DSID-0C0903A9,注释:AcceptSecurityContext 错误,数据 52e,v1db1
LDAPException:匹配的 DN:
- 服务器消息:80090308 和含义?
- LdapErr:DSID-0C0903A9和含义?
- 数据 52e、v1db1 和含义?
ldap - change distinguished name format in OpenLDAP
i have the following problem: i have installed and OpenLDAP server in which in the people/users tree the distinguished name have the following format:
The problem is i wish to replace it using the uid (a.k.a. the account username) instead of the CN in order to have something like this
I need this because i'm configuring ldap authentication for Alfresco Community 4.0.d and it need the username
Any help?
java - X500Principal 可分辨名称顺序
我正在使用 Bouncycastle 库使用 X509v3CertificateBuilder 类从 PKCS10 请求生成证书。
它返回构建一个包含生成证书的 X509CertificateHolder 对象。如果我在持有人上调用 getIssuer,它会以正确的顺序返回发行人专有名称(如果我在发行人证书上调用 getSubjectX500Principal(),则返回相同的名称),如果我使用 java CertificateFactory 解析持有人的编码版本,则 getIssuerX500Principal () 方法生成的证书以相反的顺序返回 DN,这是怎么回事?
php - 如何使用 PHP 从 AD (LDAP) 获取所有专有名称 (DN) 的列表?
我想获取 Active Directory 中所有 DN 的列表,同时只有基本 DN。
使用的语言是 PHP。
如果 PHP 不适合这项任务,您会推荐哪种语言?
php - 从 openssl.cnf 获取默认 DN
我希望能够从 openssl.cnf 获取默认 DN。 http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php讨论了 openssl.cnf 文件的默认存储位置,但是当它讨论 OPENSSL_CONF 时......似乎那是一个操作系统环境变量 - 不是 PHP 能够访问的变量,除非它执行诸如 exec('echo %OPENSSL_CONF%') 之类的操作。
我想我可以使用 OpenSSL 创建一个 X.509 证书并从中获取 DN,但这似乎有点过分。另外,如果 openssl.conf 文件不存在,那也不会很优雅地失败。至少据我所知..
openssl - 使用 openssl 在 X509 证书中添加 DN 主题备用名称扩展
我一直在使用 openssl API 创建自己的证书实用程序。在主题备用名称扩展中添加专有名称时,我目前面临一个问题。虽然成功创建了扩展,但在查看证书时,扩展的值被错误编码,例如使用 windows 证书实用程序:
regex - 从专有名称中解析通用名称的正则表达式
我正在尝试仅从OSX 终端bash环境中的命令返回的以下 DN解析(使用sed
) ...First Last
CN=First Last,OU=PCS,OU=guests,DC=domain,DC=edu
我已经尝试了该站点的多个正则表达式以及其他与我想要的问题非常接近的问题......主要是这个问题......我已经尽我所能尝试遵循建议(我不一定认为自己是新手。 ..但绝对是正则表达式的新手..)
返回一个 DN 列表,我只想First Last
,但似乎无法获得正确的功能。我愿意接受其他命令来解析输出。每行都以 和 开头,然后CN=
powershell - Memory getting Eaten up Issue
I am trying to find recursively the groups on folders and their distinguished names (DN) through an extensive structure of directories / subdirectories on a NAS share.
I made code and it works, but it is slow and gobbles up memory for some reason.
I am looking for help to understand what I might be doing wrong, or if there is a faster / less memory intensive way to do this.
It seems to slow down where it takes each
and creates the$acctsQADObject
.I see 8-10
per container (directory), and it takes about 5 seconds or more to process each.It seems like each iteration of
is caching something that it does not release, so each loop of$acct
you can watch memory increase by 0.02+ MB.I was popping off the
and trying to force$acctsQADObject
to try and get some memory to clear. It does not seem to help at all though. The$groups
hash is then taken to another function to get the users for each group, but I think that is fine.
Note: The Get-QADObject
was from quest.com, and their forum seems pretty silent, so I was hoping to find help here.
The code I have to date:
regex - 用于解析 Active Directory distinctName 的正则表达式
AD 中 distinctname 的值通常采用以下格式:
模式 "\w+=\w+" 没有帮助。