问题标签 [deriving]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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haskell - Haskell 为 Existentials 类型类派生 Eq 实例

有没有办法自动为 Eq (和显示)派生实例Power?我设法找到http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.4.2/html/users_guide/deriving.html但我找不到与下面代码相关的任何解释。

此外,如果对下面创建的效果有更好的实践,我愿意接受建议,因为我是 Haskell 和函数式编程的新手。

编辑:我知道这是一种 hack,但由于它几乎都是用前奏函数完成的,它应该得到正确的结果,除非存在完全恶意代码(这是“开放世界假设”最常见的情况) .

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haskell - 如何在 Haskell 中为 GADT 派生数据实例?

我有一个 GADT,它只与两个不同的参数 ForwardPossible 和 () 一起使用:

我想派生足够的 Data.Data 实例来涵盖 OrForward t () 和 OrForward t ForwardPossible。我认为一般 (Data t, Data forward) => OrForward t forward 实例是不可能的,除非它普遍忽略 OFForward,但是 Data t => OrForward t ForwardPossible 和 (Data t, Data forward) => 的重叠实例如果有办法让 ghc 派生这些实例,OrForward t 前向实例可能是一个解决方案。


但随后 ghc 给了我一个这样的错误:

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c++ - 错误:无效的基类 C++



CGameObject 看起来像这样:


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haskell - 如何为具有非 * 类型幻像类型参数的 GADT 导出 Eq



我可以看到为什么这不起作用,但是有一些解决方案不需要我手动编写 Eq(和 Ord)实例吗?

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sql - 当前派生贷款项目



如您所见,用户 605 被借了一天设备,然后在第二天归还。然后设备在之后的第二天被借给了另一个用户。


任何有关如何解决此问题的想法将不胜感激。伪代码、SQL 或 LINQ 也可以。


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haskell - 模板 Haskell 引用中的独立派生声明

为什么模板 Haskell 忽略引用中的独立派生声明?

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generics - 使用记录 Haskell 的泛型派生

我基本上是想看看我是否可以在 Haskell 中模拟 ORM 框架,这样如果用户想要制作数据库模型,他们会做这样的事情


要在 Haskell 中执行此操作,您必须使用类和泛型的组合,这就是我遇到的问题。使用本教程(http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.4.1/html/users_guide/generic-programming.html),我想出了这个(基本上是复制和重命名,所以我可以得到代码工作)



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javascript - js_of_ocaml and Deriving_Json

I need some help to get js_of_ocaml working. There's not much information about it on the net, and the manual is very sparse (no snippets or usage examples, no comment sections).

I have a Card module on the server with a card record. I'm sending a card list to the client using Ajax, and there I want to read and traverse this list. What I end up with is this:

...where json has type 'a, according to documentation (not when I run it, of course).

I can log json##length and get the correct length of the list. Where do I go from here? Ideally, I'd like to use Deriving_Json to type-safe get a card list again, but I could also use a for-loop (not as elegant, but whatever).

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haskell - Haskell:以字符串形式获取数据构造函数名称




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haskell - Haskell Deriving Show Instance

I am playing with a Red-Black tree:

If I execute the following statement in GHCi:

The following error message tells me there is not an instance of show for Set Char:

I know the tree is working because by calling member 'b' ... where ... is the previously executed statement, the returned value is True. I've been reading the other SO posts on this problem but the solutions found for them (e.g.:Haskell: Deriving Show for custom type) does not work.

For example, by adding:

I get the following error message when I try to load using :l:

:l red-black-tree.hs [1 of 1] Compiling RedBlackTree ( red-black-tree.hs, interpreted )

I think there are a few problems going on with what I'm trying to do but I can't seem to figure it out from the available documentation.