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web-services - 使用delphi webservice删除表中的数据

我在delphi中的程序有这个问题。我想用这个请求 url 删除表中的数据:http://localhost:8001/delete/woodSpecie?json={"SessionID":"MVykZKX31d19dYnywxsXM1MdPy0U7VW8","wood_specie_id":"80"}

我实际上正在创建一个 Web 服务。




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delphi - 运行时通过delphi连接odbc数据源

我们可以在运行时创建 ODBC 数据源连接吗?如果是的话,那么你能帮助你如何做到这一点。目前,我是通过控制面板--> 管理工具--> 数据源手动创建 ODBC 数据源连接的。但是我想在用户运行应用程序时在运行时创建它。


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delphi - 如何在非 unicode Delphi 版本中构造带有变音符号的 WideString?


á ( U+00E1 小写拉丁字母 A 带锐音)


拉丁文小写字母 A ( U+0061 ) 结合重音符号 ( U+0301 )




可能是 中的错误MessageBox,但我要继续说,错误更有可能出现在我的代码中。



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delphi - Delphi 5 有排序字典容器吗?

我是 Delphi 5 的新手,正在寻找一个容器(最好是内置的),它可以完成与mapC++ 中相同的工作(即排序字典)。我已经进行了初步的谷歌搜索,但似乎没有任何明显的迹象。请问有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

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string - How to convert float or currency to a localized string?

In Delphi1, using FloatToStrF or CurrToStrF will automatically use the DecimalSeparator character to represent a decimal mark. Unfortunately DecimalSeparator is declared in SysUtils as Char1,2:

While the LOCALE_SDECIMAL is allowed to be up to three characters:

Character(s) used for the decimal separator, for example, "." in "3.14" or "," in "3,14". The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is four, including a terminating null character.

This causes Delphi to fail to read the decimal separator correctly; falling back to assume a default decimal separator of ".":

On my computer, which is quite a character, this cause floating point and currency values to be incorrectly localized with a U+002E (full stop) decimal mark.

i am willing to call the Windows API functions directly, which are designed to convert floating point, or currency, values into a localized string:

Except these functions take a string of picture codes, where the only characters allowed are:

  • Characters "0" through "9" (U+0030..U+0039)
  • One decimal point (.) if the number is a floating-point value (U+002E)
  • A minus sign in the first character position if the number is a negative value (U+002D)

What would be a good way1 to convert a floating point, or currency, value to a string that obeys those rules? e.g.

  • 1234567.893332
  • -1234567

given that the local user's locale (i.e. my computer):

A horrible, horrible, hack, which i could use:

Additional info on the chain of functions the VCL uses:


1 in my version of Delphi
2 and in current versions of Delphi

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delphi - 将货币值设置为 NAN、INF 或 -INF?


我知道存在返回 和的函数NAN,但作为:INF-INFDouble

除了在我的情况下,我需要测试 a 何时Currency是这三个边缘情况值之一。不幸的是,您不能将其中任何一个转换为Double

将 a 转换为 a时出现EInvalidOp Invalid floating point operation异常。Double NANCurrency

是否可以将 a 分配NAN给 a Currency

也许,不是可以将 a 分配NAN给 a Currency,而是不可能- 我可以忽略这种边缘情况。


是否可以“将货币值设置为 NAN、INF 或 -INF?”

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delphi - 检测何时有人在释放我的 TADOConnection 后使用它?

一位同事今天来找我,代码在 Windows XP 上运行但在 Windows 7 上失败:



从 ADO2.6 开始,在 Windows Vista 中,PersistSecurityInfo连接字符串中的默认值为False,而不是True

在 Windows Vista 之前的连接字符串,例如:


从 Windows Vista 开始,默认情况下,密码会从连接的ConnectionString属性中删除:


我知道我的同事正在经历这种密码被删除的行为。然后,当连接关闭时,他试图打开一个查询(即 ADOQuery.Open),该查询试图打开连接。但是如果没有在连接字符串中保存密码,他会得到原来的错误










但是 Delphi 没有匿名事件处理程序。



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delphi - FastMM 无法检测到内存泄漏

我在 Delphi5 的应用程序中使用 FastMM 4.97。

一切正常,如果我从 IDE 运行我的应用程序并故意泄漏以进行测试。我得到适当的通知和错误日志。

但是,如果我在 IDE 之外运行我的应用程序(例如从 Windows 资源管理器运行 .exe 文件),则什么也不会发生。


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delphi - 如何在 Delphi 中打开带有 http 身份验证的 url?

如何打开需要“http 身份验证”以透明方式传递登录名和密码的 url(浏览器窗口)?delphi 中的旧应用程序需要从 Reporting Services 中打开“.aspx”中的报表。

谢谢, 塞尔索

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delphi - Delphi 5 incompatible with library

I am trying to add an Advantech (BDaqCL.pas) library to my application project in Delphi 5 but the .PAS file is riddled with code such as:

which causes the error:

Is this a feature of the later versions of Delphi which is not compatible in D5? If so is it worth manually changing everyone (there are many) or am I bound to run in to much deeper problems?

Edit: Most the enumerations are as above but there's also plenty of more complex like below. Far too many to do manually:

Edit: I'm beginning the process of declaring them as constants. Could anyone tell me if it's correct to do the following

where I am leaving the var declaration listed and moving the const declarations to the top.

I am unsure what to do when the const is not equal to anything, for e.g.

As you can see I have my work cut-out so it's best to make sure I'm doing it right first. Thanks