问题标签 [datepart]
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sql-server-2008 - Querying the exact years in between two other dates (MS SQL)
I am struggling with an assignment and I am not sure if there is a solution. To be clear: I am not looking for the amount of years in between(datediff()).
I have to join two tables:
- Table 1 with attributes:
- ID
- P_Startyear
- P_Endyear
- Table 2 with attributes:
- ID
- B_Year
There are more attributes in the tables, but for this question they do not matter.
As example: The P_Startyear is 2008 and the P_endyear is 2010. Every P_year has to match a B_Year. If not, then the P_row has to be returned. The problem however is that I also have to check the years in between the P_startyear and P__endyear (in this case 2009). So I also have to check if 2009 has a matching B_year and if that is not the case, the row has to be returned(together with the other matches).
I have already wrote some working code to check matches of the P_startyear and P_endyear:
I have tried to get the year in between by filling a temp_table, check the datedifference and then IF-Else Case it. This should work when there is only 1 year in between the start and endyear, but not when there are multiple years, because you can only add one value in an if-else case statement(Boolean).
Example of the wrong testcode:
I am aware that the Case statement is incorrect, but it is just to show the potentional solution. Excuse me for any typo's I have made. I had to rename everything due to Dutch names and privacy matters. I have tried to explain the situation as comprehensive as possible, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. Any help is appreciated, even if you are sure this can not be solved I would like to hear it. I am working with Microsoft SQL server 2008.
sql - MSSQL - 获得最后 6 周返回最后 8 周
它偶尔会给我 8 周的信息。我认为这是因为它延续到了前一年,但我不知道如何解决它。
我目前的 SQL(如果它在没有任何数据的情况下有帮助的话)
sql - 如何从sql server中的字符串中获取日期部分
'UNK-JAN-2015' 这是我的日期值。UNK 是指未知值。现在我只需要一个月。有什么办法可以找到......
sql-server-2008-r2 - 如何连接日期部分结果?
我有一个名为“Total”的列,其中包含“1899-12-30 07:56:00.000”和“1899-12-30 03:52:00.000”等值。让这两个成为我们的例子。我需要将行中的小时值加在一起(即 07:56 + 03:52 = 11:48)以创建另一列。
DATEPART 只允许我提取小时或分钟,这使事情变得更加复杂。
sql - 如果您将日期传递给日期部分,T-sql datediff 不会查看年份?
在查询中使用返回距开始日期不到 7 天的日期。
等于 3/11/2016 并且是开始日期,因此任何 6 天后的日期都足以查询。但它作为Previous_Service_Date
所以查询应该只返回 2016 年 3 月 6 日的日期。有人可以帮我看看我哪里出错了吗?自从我为参数传递了一天以来,是否DATEDIFF
sql - 为什么我使用此 SQL 日期部分和日期参数会得到不同的结果
当我在我的表上运行这个 where 子句时,我得到了 2 个不同的结果,在我看来,我应该得到相同数量的记录。
sql - 按 DATEPART() 错误/错误分组
我遇到了 Group by DATEPART() 子句问题。我的代码是
相同的条目。费用按确切的 PaymentDate 分组,而不是按月和年分组——这是我需要做的。如果我在 SELECT 子句中删除 Datename 和 year 或者我只按月或年分组,这个问题仍然存在。除 DATEPART()、month() 或 year() 之外的分组工作正常。也许这是我错过的简单事情?有时我只是瞎了眼。
在 SQL Server Management Studio / SQL Server 2012 中遇到。
mysql - 如何从mysql查询中提取日期和时间部分
我需要从 MySQL 表中选择一个 max(date),并将日期和时间的每个部分放在一个单独的变量中。
sql-server - Datepart() 有什么方法可以为 datepart 间隔使用变量
我正在创建一个 SQL Server 存储过程,它根据当前周进行大量过滤。我没有传入开始日期和结束日期,而是传入一个日期并使用 Datepart() 过滤出星期。
尽量积极主动,我可以看到经理要求每月或每季度以及每周运行一次。如果我能提供帮助,我宁愿不为每个版本存储一个 Proc。我想传递频率和日期,但它似乎不起作用。
但我在@Freq 未被识别为间隔时收到错误消息。
sql - Count 为 0 时 SQL 显示月份
我有以下 SQL 查询(已将其缩短为大型联合查询)