问题标签 [database-metadata]

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sql-server - How can I query my Database for any Stored Proc that returns a field/column value of a specific name?

I want to query the metadata of my Database for any Stored Proc that returns the values from a field or column named "bidprice"

I got a great answer here for how to search for Stored Procs that require a specific set of parameters, namely for Stored Procs that have parameters named Unit, Member, BegDate, and EndDate, this:

That works perfectly; and so I hoped that maybe what I needed to find Stored Procs that return a field/column value of a specific name, such as "bidprice" might be something as simple as this:

...but trying it in Visual Studio.Server Explorer (right-clicking on the database connection's Tables folder, and then selecting New Query), I get:

Is [specific_name] wrong for this type of query? Is COLUMNS or [COL_NAME] wrong for this type of query?

I also tried to simplify the query this way:

...but got:

(and the same exact err when removing the prepended ";")

What is the right way to search for Stored Procs that return in their result set (among/amidst whatever else) a field/column named "bidprice"?

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angularjs - 阻止或扩展 Breeze 元数据自动获取

当前应用程序 - 带有 Breeze 的 Angular 应用程序。应用程序有大约 7 个实体管理器和不同的数据域(元数据)。当应用程序运行时,我们尝试获取实体管理器,例如:

每个数据上下文都有自己的实体管理器,loadMetadata 是:

元数据异步来自服务器。很少有模块具有真正大的元数据,例如 200Kb,并且需要一些时间来加载并应用于实体管理器。在此 loadMetadata 操作完成之前,可能会在同一实体管理器中执行第一个 Breeze 数据请求,并且据我所知,Breeze 会再次自动获取元数据。通常它不是问题,元数据端点缓存在服务器上,但有时它会产生非常奇怪的 Breeze 行为 - EntityManager.fetchMetadata 将承诺解析为“已获取”,在这种情况下 applyCustomMetadata() 操作无法执行。

据我了解,问题出在 Breeze 内部,并使用它来解决元数据承诺(似乎是 http 适配器是单例的,第二个请求使用“已获取”字符串覆盖元数据,并且 applyCustomMetadata() 操作永远不会执行)。


在 loadMetadata 完成时,逻辑上需要延迟整个应用程序使用实体管理器。寻找 Breeze 级别的任何方法来禁用自动获取元数据,如果它已经在进行中(但不是中断请求,只需等待一段时间后重试)。任何其他想法也很好。

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oracle - 如何从 oracle DB 的元数据中获取表和列的注释?

我正在开发一个 Java 应用程序。我已经使用 JDBC Connection 连接到 Oracle DB 并获取它的元数据。我从其元数据中获取表、列、视图等信息。


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java - DatabaseMetaData().getTables() - 速度很慢吗?

DatabaseMetaData().getTables()- 很慢,有什么替代方法吗?


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java - 通过 RowMapper 上的 resultSet 获取当前表的名称

在 RowMapper 的实现中,可以获取当前表的名称。我尝试通过元数据,但没有成功

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jwplayer - Can I read timed metadata/cue points from a live stream with JW Player in Flash mode?

I do this (read timed metadata) successfully in HTML5 mode on IOS devices with JW Player no problem. But PC's running Flash have me scratching my head a bit. Some background...

I create live synchronized presentations on the web. So a slide deck sits next to a video player on the screen. When a presenter in the video player says "go to slide 2" the slides switch to slide 2.

This happens because I have another app, a Flash based PowerPoint for lack of a better way to put it. This Flash based PowerPoint app is capable of making an RTMP connection to an RTMP streaming server, like Wowza or AMS, and asking it to find a video stream being published currently and inject metadata into it, like "slide 2" for example, with each slide advance. When this data is injected into the video stream, the stream transports the data to the video player at the viewing end where the data is extracted and acted upon by me, the player developer. I hear the text data message and tell the slide player in the page to advance.

As I mentioned, I am doing this just fine with JW player in HTML5 (IOS) mode. All working well. So if you are viewing on an iPad all is good. But I'm not sure how to extract this data in JW player when it is in Flash mode on a PC. I don't see anything exposed in the API that might, say, let me hang an event listener for "onTextData" or "onCuePoint" type transmissions. Any other methods to accomplish this?

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postgresql - PostgreSQL 9.4 | 动态元数据建议

我是 SQL 的长期用户,正在考虑切换到 CQL 和 PostgreSQL。这是因为我了解 PostgreSQL 9.4 支持动态元数据,如果它是我认为的那样,这将使我正在开发的应用程序的生活更轻松。



是否可以用 9.4 做我想做的事情,谁能告诉我正确的搜索词(因为“动态元数据 postgreSQL”一半时间返回“动态 SQL”结果)。



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java - 如何在 Derby 中创建缺失的数据库视图?

如果我的 WebApp 启动 (ApplicationListener.contextInitialized) 尚不存在,我想在 Derby RDBMS 中创建一个视图。此时没有事务,所以我必须使用 JDBC 和 SQL。我对 DatabaseMetaData.getTables() 的尝试没有成功。它总是返回一个空的结果集,但我可以在 NetBeans 的“服务”选项卡中看到它确实存在(以及请求的表)。编码:

在应用上下文事件处理程序中由注入的 DataSource 资源创建的连接:

所有传递的名称都是大写的(目录、模式、视图/表)。conn_ 不为空。我的错是什么?

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firebird - 在一个查询中获取所有表/列及其数据类型 firebird



我刚刚添加了上面的代码“f.rdb$field_source”来向我展示该表上的信息,这应该允许我找到该表 RDB$FIELDS 中列的以下数据类型



所以我有一张表名/列名/TypeofData 的表。

我在 SQL 方面的经验很少。我希望我的问题足够清楚

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wordpress - woocommerce 中最近产品的元键是什么?

我有一个由 woocommerce 制作的小型电子商务网站。我想在我的主页上显示最近的产品,但我做不到,所以我需要 Woocommerce 最近发布的元密钥。