问题标签 [customizing]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
login - 使用客户端名称自定义 openAM 登录页面
从这篇文章: http: //openam.forgerock.org/openam-documentation/openam-doc-source/doc/install-guide/index.html#chap-custom-ui
看来我们也可以根据客户端名称自定义页面(默认为 html): suffix_client-locale-language_client-locale-territory/services/realm/client-name/file-name
我可以知道我们如何将请求参数传递给登录 url (openam/UI/Login) 吗?
ios - 以编程方式创建自定义 UIView
我有一个自定义的 UIView,我在其中使用 drawRect: 方法进行一些低级绘图。当我在 XIB 文件中实例化视图时,它工作正常。但是,当我以编程方式实例化它时,事情变得很奇怪,例如,
似乎每当 drawRect: 方法运行时,结果视图都包含当前绘图与之前调用中制作的一些旧绘图重叠。换句话说,似乎在调用 drawRect: 时视图还没有被清除。
cookies - 更改 websphere 商务中 cookie 的到期日期
我需要在 websphere Commerce 7 中更改 OOB(开箱即用)cookie 的到期日期。我该怎么做?WCS 中的哪个文件具有 OOB Cookies 的属性?
raphael - 如何提供 RAPHAEL 条形图的背景图片
我正在由 RAPHAEL 创建一个图形...现在我需要通过在图形的背景上提供图像来自定义渲染图形的外观和感觉。
颜色可以作为数组传递以设置图形的背景颜色,但是它们有什么方法可以提供图形的背景吗?(它也应该在 IE7 和 8 上工作)
问题是:在 IE 中,路径是由 RVML 标记(不是路径)创建的,这就是为什么所述过程不适用于 IE。
任何人都可以帮助我提供任何解决方案“自定义 RAPHAEL 创建的条形图的背景(背景图像)”。
ios - UIButton 的外观变化也泄露了为什么?如何避免?
jquery - How do you extend the path Object in JoelB's scrollpath plugin?
As you might know, I'm trying to implement scrollpath: http://joelb.me/scrollpath/ on my index.html.
I was able to in the plugin and was able to get a gleeful sense of it working by using the code in the demo.js. But I would like to extend the line/customize it and this is where things are BREAKING, it's the freaking apocalyse:
A little background (from my puny, n00bie brain's understanding) - documentation is on Github:
You are working with a very big container - goodbye 960px.
In the demo:
width: 2640
height: 2490In your js, you are plotting points in this large container than drawing a line between these points. You can also get fancy with rotations. But at this point I'm trying to just figure out how to extend the path. Though clearly I'd like to understand the latter as well.
moves the center of the screen to a specified coordinate - the screen jumps to a specific path. In the demo, this is only used once to get the path going. Otherwise lineTo
is used (assuming this is to keep the path's fluid and connected as opposed to it being a scatter plot of points)
draws a straight line from the current position to the given point.
it knows the current position because in the code above it, a "name" is specified. The "name" property is what sets the end point of the path.
Among the many things I don't understand (aside from why isn't my lineTo
code extending the path seamlessly) is that position absolute is being set in your css for each div, but then also you set coordinates in your js. How do these coincide?
Advice/words from the wiser would be much appreciated.
Taking on more than I can chew - n00b overload, becoming a pathway to hell.
csv - ABAP TVRO 字段 TRAZTD,路线定制数据
我的一个客户正在寻求大规模创建一些与路线相关的定制数据。因此,我有一个小程序可以读取包含所有字段的 CSV 文件,就像它们在自定义事务中一样。
- 有一个转换出口
他们说 - 我没有时间戳,我有一个十进制数字代表一天的一部分
- 例如,将从 CSV 文件
? - 我尝试了旧时尚的方式并倍增
0,58 * 24
。if I take13,92 * 10
I get139.200
,这是不一样的,但它是我能得到的最接近的,但我不明白为什么是 10?
回来。我不能使用,convert timestamp
我也尝试过的另一件事就是说“搞砸了”,然后将 CSV 中的数据直接放入字段中,并希望转换例程能够完成这项工作,但这也不会发生。
magento - 如何在 Magento 的左侧和内容区域中显示分层导航
我们在 magento 中有一个分层导航。我已经设计了它,一切都很好。
android - Android自定义图像和保存
如何像Android Asset Studio(在应用程序中)一样使图像可自定义(大小、颜色、不透明度……)?然后,将其保存为外部文件夹中的自定义名称?
ios - 你能修改 UIImagePickerController 的默认布局吗
我正在决定是否使用 UIImagePickerController 或为相机(如 Instagram)构建自定义子视图以捕获图像或使用 UIImagePickerController。
是否可以修改 UIImagePickerController 的文本、图像或布局?
(我看到一些重复的堆栈溢出问题说不,但它们都超过 3 岁并且没有使用 ios 7,很抱歉再次发布。)