问题标签 [crouton]
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android - 如何在我的应用片段应用中调用 crouton.makeText?
我想使用 Crouton Library 打印 asyntask 后收到的文章数量。
我的应用程序使用 navigationDrawer 和不同的片段。
我从不使用这个库,我想知道我必须在哪里执行对 Crouton.makeText 的调用才能在我的应用程序中打印 Crouton 通知?
这是 RssService 类的代码:
这是我的 ArticleListAdapter 的代码:
android - 更改已显示面包块的值
android - Android Studio gradle and libraries import
I have successfully imported ActionBarSherlock to my project, and need to import another two libraries: Sliding Layer and Crouton. I know that similar questions have already appeared here before, but I've tried almost everything, each time breaking something in the project in a way that I had to start over.
My project tree looks like:
#xA;I imported those two libraries as modules (File->Import Module)
My setting.gradle file looks like it should:
#xA;actionbarsherlock gradle:
#xA;app gradle:
#xA;slidinglayer gradle:
#xA;In crouton folder there is no gradle.build file. How it should look like? Theres only java files (no resources).
How to set up correctly dependencies in crouton and slidinglayer libraries?
android - 实现自定义视图的 Android Crouton 库
我确实在 Crouton 库中看到了这一点,但无法真正了解如何将其用于我的目的。
java - Android:如何在 Crouton onDisplayed() 上使用回调
我想使用 Crouton 的 onDisplayed() 函数 https://github.com/keyboardsurfer/Crouton/blob/master/library/src/de/keyboardsurfer/android/widget/crouton/LifecycleCallback.java
android - 删除 Crouton 的消息透明度
我的程序中的面包块透明度有问题。此时,当 crouton 在布局中显示时,例如按钮,该按钮在 croutons 消息中可见。我希望面包片消息完全不透明。https://github.com/keyboardsurfer/Crouton
android - Croutons not showing properly - CroutonQueue somehow stuck?
I'm facing a serious problem with the Croutons Notification Library, When i quickly switch my activites, sometimes (very often indeed) croutons for updates, like missing credentials, or "insert date first" are not shown anymore, and so the users stay without any info, what's the problem.
For instance also the simple usecase: Login To Application, Logout,
try to re-login but with false credentials, doesnt show a crouton anymore.
I tried:
in inPause(),
and additionally,
too in onPause(),
to maybe solve the Problem, but it didn't.
I also debugged in the CroutonLibrary and the problem seems to be, a Crouton gets added to queue, the the activity gets finished, the something finishes (like aSyncTask showing a crouton in onPostExecute(), this one gets added to the queue again, and then the queue is stuck.
Also.clearAllNotifications (which actually clears the queue) doesn't work, because the courton (asynctask finishes after acitvity.finish()) gets added afterwards, and the problem persists.
also tried:
knwon issue: https://github.com/keyboardsurfer/Crouton/issues/24 but didn't work too...
Thankful for any advice! :)
android - 使用 Gradle 时无法访问 Android Crouton 库?
我目前正在开始开发一个新的 Android 应用程序,但在尝试使用新的 Gradle 构建系统导入库时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。我已将所需的所有内容添加到build.gradle文件中(如下所示),但是当我尝试访问 Crouton 功能或导入名称空间时,它找不到它,我不知道为什么:
有问题的库在下面,当我转到我的活动并开始在导入部分输入“ de.keyboardsur ... ”时,它找不到导入的引用。我确信我只是错过了一些新的 Gradle 的东西,但我希望能得到一些帮助。
** * ** * *编辑* ** * ** * ****
修复了这个问题,因为我的 Android Studio 似乎卡住了,不得不强制退出它,并且在重新启动时一切正常。
android - Android Crouton Library java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?
I am currently starting to develop a new Android application using Android Studio. I have updated the Gradle build file and I have successfully added the Crouton Library. I have a Drawer Navigation setup and when I click on an item I want to test the Crouton by displaying it so I used the code below:
When I run this code it builds fine but the app crashes and I get the stack trace below:
I understand that the issue is to do with the Style class not being found at run-time but I have added it as an import on the page so I don't know what could be causing this. I would really appreciate some help on this.
Thanks in advance
My build.gradle file is below:
android - 具有无限持续时间的 Crouton CustomView
我一直在思考面包块,在创建 customView crouton 弹出窗口后,我注意到了两件事;- 布局在创建时略有修改,如果视图更新,将更正 - 无法添加样式来制作自定义油炸面包丁,或者我不知道......有人请提供一种方法来做每一个这些整齐