问题标签 [cross-application]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 在应用程序和 IFrame 之间传递凭据

我有一个包含iframe. 其中iframe包括另一个 Web 应用程序 (B)。

假设我登录到 Web 应用程序 A 并显示 5 个不同的 iframe,托管 5 个不同的模块。其中一个模块是需要用户登录的 CRM 应用程序。如何将 Web 应用程序 A 中登录用户的凭据传递到托管在 CRM 模块(Web 应用程序 B)中iframe


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android - 在 Android 应用程序中使用 startActivityForResult

我编写了一个应用程序,它有一个<intent-filter/>,以便其他应用程序可以使用startActivityForResult(). 此活动完成后,它创建了一个对象,如下所示:







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c# - 向linux中的另一个应用程序发送消息

我想将消息从一个应用程序发送到另一个应用程序。在 Windows 中,我会为 PostMessage 或 SendMessage 使用 DllImprt。

我可以在 linux 中做什么?有没有在 Windows 中不使用 PostMessage 或 SendMessage 的选项?


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sharedpreferences - Windows 应用程序的共享首选项

Windows 应用程序是否可以像在 android 中一样具有共享偏好?




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asp.net - Asp.Net authentication in Session State?

I'm attempting to do a cross-application SSO between three web-sites I maintain. Two of them are running under .NET 4.0 while the other is running under 2.0. The main site is 4.0, while the remaining 4.0 and 2.0 sites are children running under the main. Both web.configs for the 4.0 and 2.0 sites have authentication settings that look like this:

To be clear: right now the site is running my local box, so the domain above is correct, it is pointing to -Org and not .Org.

Problem is, I can sign in to either site, but the .MyAuthenticationTicket is only being created when I log into the 4.0 site, not the 2.0 site. When I log into that one, no ticket is created. I, however, did discover that when I do log in to it, an ASP.NET_SessionId cookie is created and when I delete that, I am logged out of the 2.0 site. Regardless, I still haven't been able to achieve SSO for my sites.

So... what am I doing wrong here? Anyone have any ideas? Is there a setting I'm missing here?

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android - Android,测试涉及其他应用程序的流程

我正在使用 Instrumentation、Espresso 和 Robotium 测试一个 Android 应用程序。我需要测试的流程如下:

  1. 在 EditTextView 中输入电子邮件
  2. 按确认按钮
  3. 收到一封电子邮件
  4. 单击电子邮件中收到的链接以确认地址

现在,在第 4 步之前一切都很好,那时我不知道如何打开电子邮件应用程序以单击链接,有没有办法做到这一点,或者最终模拟它?

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android - 在某个事件之后,如何通过我自己的打开和使用另一个 Android 应用程序?

我想做以下事情,但不知道从哪里开始,我有一些基本的 android 理解,希望有人能指出我正确的方向。


收到这样的短信后,我想打开另一个应用程序(不是我的)并按下某个按钮(甚至导航 UI 直到我到达它)。



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c# - 应用程序外其他程序的交互

这有点难以解释......基本上我想要的是7zip之类的东西。您可以使用 7zip 文件管理器并右键单击项目将其压缩到那里,或者您可以右键单击 7zip 之外的任何项目,例如桌面中的文件夹,然后可以选择使用 7zip。我如何使用 C# 应用程序实现这一点?你们能指出我正确的方向吗?

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python - 用于 3dsMax 和 Modo 的 PySide 小部件

我正在尝试使用 PySide 和 Python 创建一个简单的 QT 应用程序,如果需要,我希望它作为 3dsMax 脚本、Modo 脚本和独立应用程序运行。因此,我在 D:\PyTest 中保存了以下文件。它只是这个测试的 QLabel。

当我将它(TestWidget.py)作为独立运行时,它工作正常。当我从 Modo 启动它 ( ModoStart.py ) 时,它会正确启动,但如果我尝试单击 Modo 中的任何位置,它会使整个窗口崩溃。在 3dsMax 中,我收到以下错误:Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):文件“D:/PyTest\TestWidget.py”,第 13 行,在 SystemExit:-1






我还尝试为所有三个选项(3dsMax/Modo/Stand-alone)创建一个文件。似乎它在 3dsMax 和 Stand-Alone 中运行良好,但在 Modo 中,如果我在 Widget 外部单击或尝试关闭它,Modo 会立即崩溃。

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java - Pass data between applications in Tomcat server

We have several applications deployed in Tomcat and want to add 1 application to handle authentication for all of the other applications.

All applications are defined as different host elements in Tomcat configuration (server.xml) like following example:

What is a best practice to accomplish this?

How I see things are going to work and what I have tried so far:

When a user goes to an url that points to webapp1, a request filter in the application sees that the user has not been authenticated yet and redirects to the "loginapp" where authentication happens and redirects back to webapp1 where the user now has been authenticated for (only for this specific application).

What I need is to share data between these applications. And I've found it should be possible to share session attributes across applications like following (example I've found):

But I'm not sure how I can achieve this as my applications are running inside the same Tomcat server, but are accessed by different domain names. Is this even possible this way? Or are there other options for my case?


Apparently my "solution" above is only possible for use inside one application.

What I have found now while researching further is JNDI resources. Would this be something I can use to share some data between my applications?