问题标签 [contiki]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
operating-system - 如何在 Cooja 模拟器中添加 raven 平台?
我正在为基于 contiki 的 WSN 使用 Cooja 模拟器。我必须使用 raven 平台,但在添加新的 mote-mote 类型向导中找不到“raven”。如何在 Cooja 中添加 raven 或 avr 平台?
compiler-errors - 进程返回错误代码 2
这个错误在 Contiki 中意味着什么?该代码基于 udp-sink.sky ,examples/ipv6/rpl-collect
当我尝试向其中添加 powertrace 时发生错误。
c - 无法从 Ubuntu 12.04 命令行在 CC2538dk 板上上传代码
我有一个 CC2538dk 板。我正在使用 Ubuntu 12.04 并从 github克隆了Contiki 存储库。我能够使用 编译 Contiki 中的所有代码make TARGET=cc2538dk hello-world
,但我无法从命令行将代码上传到 CC2538dk 板。
我跑步时遇到的错误make TARGET=cc2538dk hello-world.upload
我曾经使用 TI 的 Uniflash 工具 (CCS_Uniflash v2.2) 来上传.elf
二进制文件,但在 Contiki 中不可用。
c++ - 如何显示缓冲区中的值
我感觉 memcpy 行或“printf”行是错误的,因为另一个 printf 工作。
contiki - 是否可以在没有 Contiki OS 的情况下在我的项目中使用咖啡文件系统(作为库)?
. 我肯定会深入研究,但可能有人已经做过类似的事情了?
network-protocols - Contiki 转播消息
我想知道如何在 Contiki 中重新广播我的消息,即如果A
contiki - STM32F4 上的 contiki
我正在使用 Contiki 和 STM32F4discovery 开始开发。
我在 github 上从 jensnielsen 找到了一个用于 STM32F4discovery 的 contiki 分支。
我已经下载了它并尝试使用 make TARGET=stmf4discovery hello-world 来制作 TARGET STM32F4discovery
makefile 只是编译 hello-world.c,然后在尝试链接项目时失败,因为它没有找到 contiki core、sys 等的引用。
我尝试在本机中制作 hello-world,它可以找到。
contiki - 无法在 sky tmote 上运行 hello-world 示例
我正在尝试在天空 tmote 上运行 contiki 中的 hello-world 示例。我正在使用 ubuntu 并遵循本教程: http: //www.contiki-os.org/start.html#hardware
在我曾经尝试使用 VMPlayer 的 Instantcontiki 之前,当发生这种情况时,我只需要通过 VMPlayer 中的按钮再次重新连接天空微尘,但由于我不再使用它,我不知道该怎么做。
我也不知道如何从上面解决错误 127。
eclipse-cdt - TelosB Mote with MSP430 F1161 processor and FreeRTOS With Eclipse IDE errors troubleshooting
I spent lot of my time in basic setup. I do not know why it is so complicated in making a basic program to compile with FreeRTOS If there is any expert in this field please help me to fix these errors.
I dont get an idea how to explain my situation, I am tired after long 2 day trails. I am completely new to this area. so i am giving the screenshots of my errors below.
I will try to express my self more brief,Few days back I started experimenting with TelosB Mote and Contiki OS, that set up was very easy and straight forward, even though I was new to this topic it took me only few minutes to set up complete Virtual System for compiling and downloading the code to hardware TelosB. I was happy to see my small application running on target hardware.
Right now, From more than 24 hours I am struggling to compile code for FreeRTOS using IAR Emmbeded Work Bench, I wasted lot of time over here and later tried to use eclipse, even it did not turn out well. Is it really possible for me to run FreeRTOS Demo on my target Hardware (TelosB Mote - Texas Instruments MSP430 micro controller ) I connect it to my PC using USB.
What I mean by Eclipse IDE is here in this link.
As far as I know I am not trying to make a new port, I am trying to compile the existing port. I also tried demo code that is given with freeRTOS
When I mean basic program, I mean demo here in case of FreeRTOS, because in the getting starting guide instructions for compiling demo for target hardware is given. TelosB datasheet
The the Problems that I faced in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE are below.
The project settings for target hardware are below
the errors that I get while I try to download is shown below.
The Connected USB Hardware that is shown in Device Manager