问题标签 [contactsui]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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swift - List of Contacts from Contacts App in SwiftUI

Hi I am trying to build an interface that lists all the contacts just like the Contacts and Phone app with the same UI. What I have tried so far is below. Basically I tried to implement CNContactPickerViewController from ContactsUI using the UIViewControllerRepresentable. However what I am getting is a blank white page.

And the SwiftUI file;

A reminder is I am calling the ContactsView inside of TabView in some other SwiftUI file. So I want show contacts in a SwiftUI View that is part of TabView. Any help would be really appreciated.

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swiftui - SwiftUI如果从工作表视图更新时如何更新State属性

我有一个文本字段,您可以在其中输入姓名和一个按钮以从联系人中进行选择,但是当我从联系人中选择时,文本字段不会更新并且看起来是空的(并保存空结果),但是当我再次按下按钮时,它会更新文本字段,一旦关闭工作表,我如何更新 texfield

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ios - CNContactPickerViewController – 仅支持 iOS/FaceTime 的联系人

有没有办法过滤连接到 iOS 设备/启用 FaceTime 的联系人?应该是predicateForEnablingContact财产吧?我正在开发一个专注于 SharePlay(群组活动)的应用程序,我想提供一种方式,让用户可以立即使用选定的联系人启动 FaceTime。