问题标签 [concurrent-queue]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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sorting - How to sort TBB concurrent_vector or concurrent_queue?

Now I have a solver in that I need to keep a set of self-defined data type objects in a concurrent_vector or queue. It has to be concurrent because the objects come from different threads.With this concurrent container, I hope to sort these objects, eliminate duplicates and send them back when other threads need them.

However, I know TBB offers concurrent_vector and concurrent_queue which can be read and written concurrently from different threads. But how to sort the objects inside a container? Does everyone know how to do that? Thanks.

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c# - 在 ConcurrentQueue 中尝试出队

如果队列中没有项目,ConcurrentQueue 中的 TryDequeue 将返回 false。


我应该在 C# 4.0 中使用 monitor.enter、wait、pulse 还是任何更好的选项

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design-patterns - 可能产生更多工作的异步工作的设计模式是什么?



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visual-studio-2010 - 将 Concurrency::concurrent_queue 与 std::unique_ptr 一起使用

我想使用 Visual Studio 2010 的并发库在线程之间传递操作。我有我的类SimpleAction,指向它的指针存储在Concurrency::concurrent_queue.


但是,当我将其更改为 std::unique_ptr 时,如下所示:


似乎编译器不喜欢 concurrent_queue 中的这种构造:

这似乎合乎逻辑(我们不希望复制 std::unique_ptr (必须移动它)。


  • 这是 Visual Studio 2010 的并发/PPL 库的已知问题/限制/功能吗?
  • 这个问题在 Visual Studio 2012 中解决了吗?
  • 还是我做错了什么?


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c++ - TBB concurrent_queue 使用示例


concurrent_queue不幸的是,在互联网上四处挖掘还没有产生TBB 库以并行方式使用的示例。


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c# - concurrentQueue tryDequeue,结果未知



outResult 似乎是正确的类型,但我收到以下消息:“'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.TryDequeue(out WinformWith10pxNewProject1.TestData)' 的最佳重载方法匹配有一些无效参数”





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c# - What is the best way to do a parallel Breadth First Search in C#?

As the title says, I'm looking for the best way to do a parallel BFS in C#. I want it to be as fast as possible and use as little memory as possible. If there is no 'best' way, what are good options?

I want to use this for solving a puzzle (in my case Rush Hour). My current algorithms use a taboo HashSet which contains all previously explored states. This prevents high memory usage and significantly increases the speed of the algorithm. I currectly have a sequential and a parallel version of my algorithm. The sequential version is always faster or equally fast. This is my current parallel code:

Now there are problems with this I can see myself.

  1. ConcurrentQueue is not wait-free. I assume it has built-in locks which makes it use extra time.
  2. If the solution is found, other iterations of the Parallel.ForEach will continue running. I have tried solving this with cancellation tokens and parallel states, but it doesn't seem to work (or at least it doesn't improve the running time).
  3. States can be explored multiple times, since a state can be found in multiple iterations of the foreach loop before it is added to the taboo list.
  4. I'm not sure if Parallel.ForEach is the best way to solve my problem.

I have searched around the internet, including stackoverflow, but I can't find any algorithm that solves the problem. Everyone seems to use Parallel.ForEach and ConcurrentQueue. But I'm sure there are better options.

Any help is appreciated!

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c# - 我可以并行添加到 ConcurrentQueue 并从中产生吗?

我有一个从 Web 服务获取对象的类。我对这些对象的使用不依赖于顺序,因此我并行发出我的 Web 请求并将结果添加到ConcurrentQueue.



我怎样才能让一个班级填满队列而另一个班级清空它。它几乎肯定会比填充物更快地被清空,所以我不能在没有 a 的情况下枚举它,yield因为集合将是空的并且不会等待。

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c# - BackgroundWorker 和 ConcurrentQueue

我有一个FileSystemWatcher正在寻找新文件,将文件名放在Queue. 在一个单独的线程中,队列被关闭。我的代码正在运行,但我怀疑是否会因为异步过程而丢失信息。请观看评论解释的代码:(我想也许我需要某个地方的线程锁之类的东西?)(代码已简化)

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c# - 在 c# 中使用阻塞集合进行数据库访问和下载图像

我正在开发一个表单上有两个按钮的程序。第一个执行访问数据库的功能,而其他从数据库下载图像并将其与 3 个图像副本(缩略图、缩放、小)一起保存。


访问数据库后,下一个任务是下载图像,生成它的三个副本并将所有内容保存在一个文件夹中。为此,我正在尝试使用BlockingConnection<>. 生产者部分执行下载原始图像并保存的功能,而消费者部分执行访问生产者队列以获取图像然后生成副本的功能。

实现 BlockingCollection 的代码

让我告诉你,当我用 BackgroundWorker 测试这段代码时,它运行得非常好。我收到错误的部分是尝试将图像保存在 Task1 中的行。


我想通了为什么它不保存图像。我已经相应地更改了代码。但它没有正确循环。在获得一个图像并生成其多个副本后,它应该返回第一个 foreach,下载新图像并生成其副本。