问题标签 [codeship]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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angularjs - AngularJS Continuous Deployment Tools

I have been trying out Codeship and Heroku for continuous deployment of an AngularJS application I writing at the moment. The app was created using Yeoman and uses bower and grunt. Initially I thought this seemed like a really good setup as Codeship was free to use and I was quickly able to configure this to build my AngularJS project and it offered the ability to add a deployment step after the build. There were even many PaaS providers to choose from (Heroku, S3, Google App Engine etc). However I seem to have become a bit stuck with getting the app to run on Heroku.

The problem started from the fact that all the documentation suggested that I remove the /dist path from my .gitignore so that this directory is published to Heroku post build. This was mainly from documentation that talked about publishing to Heroku from a local machine, but I figure this is all Codeship is doing under the hood anyway. I didn't want to do this as I don't believe I should be checking build output into source control. The /dist folder was added to .gitignore for a good reason. Furthermore, this kind of defeats the point of having a CI server somewhat, as I might as well just push the latest build from my machine.

After some more digging around I found out that I could add a postinstall step to my packages.json file such as bower install && grunt build which would re-run the build on Heroku and hence repopulate all the bower dependencies (something else they wanted me to check in to source control!) and the dist directory.

After giving this a try it became apparent that I would need to add bower and grunt as dependencies in packages.json, which meant moving them from devDependencies which is where they should belong!

So I now seem to be stuck. All I want to do is publish my build artefacts (/dist) the dependencies (/bower_components) and the server.js file that will run the site. Does anyone know how to achieve this with Heroku and Codeship? Alternatively has anyone had any success with this using different tools. I am looking for something that is free and I am willing to accept that it will not be production stable (won't scale to multiple servers etc), but this is fine for now as all I want to do is continuously deploy the app for internal testing and to be able to share the output with non-technical members of my team so we can discuss features we'd like to prioritise etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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ruby-on-rails - Deis 部署不适用于 codeship

我在 Deis 上部署了一个 RoR 应用程序,我正在尝试将 Codeship 设置为在 Deis 上自动部署。


向 deis 注册 codeship 帐户:

向 deis 添加 Codeship 部署密钥:


发生的事情是 deis 上的 repo 已更新,但应用程序未部署。

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c# - 使用 Mono 创建 XAP、APPX

我想使用为 Windows Phone/Store/Universal/UAP 应用程序提供 CI 的服务。为此,我正在考虑 Codeship,因为他们提供了一个免费计划来帮助我入门。但是,它们还不支持此类应用程序。在寻求他们的支持时,他们问我 Mono 作为编译器是否足够。

Mono 是否足以创建 XAP/APPX 包?也许我可以编译代码然后打包 XAP/APPX?

我的假设是 Mono 不足以创建这些包。如果这是正确的,那么那里缺少什么?

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amazon-s3 - 从 CodeShip 部署到 Elastic Beanstalk 的适当 S3 权限是什么

使用 CodeShip 部署 Elastic Beanstalk 应用程序的适当 S3 权限是什么?将新版本部署到 tomcat 应用程序时,出现以下错误:

服务:Amazon S3,消息:您无权执行“s3:ListBucket”操作。验证您的 S3 策略和 ACL 是否允许您执行这些操作。

服务:Amazon S3,消息:您无权执行“s3:GetObject”或“s3:ListBucket”操作。验证您的 S3 策略和 ACL 是否允许您执行这些操作。

如果我授予 CodeShip 用户对 S3 的完全访问权限,一切正常,但这并不理想。我的 CodeShip 用户当前的 S3 权限是

如果重要的话,我给 CodeShip 的 S3 存储桶是 codeshipbucket 下的子文件夹。


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node.js - localhost和其他域之间的NodeJS部署混淆?

我有一个简单的程序,可以在 localhost 中正常执行。

尝试使用 codeship 将其部署到 heroku。除了最后一行部署测试命令外,一切都在完美构建,即node index.js依次引用127.0.0.1并停止部署。我可以知道我需要在这里更改主机端口地址吗

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java - Maven compile "Cannot find symbol"

For some reason this command works fine with my local machine:

However for Codeship it does now work and throws this "Cannot find symbol" error. In Codeship the full command is:

In the POM the repository have this:


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node.js - 如何在我的节点构建上设置一些标志

当我构建、测试并将我的节点应用程序从 Codeship 部署到 Heroku 时,我希望能够在构建期间使用命令行将发布标志设置为 true。在我的代码中,我想做这样的事情......


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gulp - 持续集成:使用 Gulp + Codeship 进行测试(gulp-jasmine)

当我运行后端测试时,codeship 提到没有返回任何内容:


我也可以只使用 jasmine,但我也使用 gulp 运行前端测试,这需要更多配置。在我的开发人员上也有同样的东西会很好。CI 系统上的系统。

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meteor - Meteor + CodeShip + Modulus

任何人都可以推荐一个好的设置脚本在通过测试后部署到 Modulus 吗?


这基本上是我设法在 interwebz 周围复制 + 粘贴的内容,我不知道自己在做什么。


CodeShip 日志的输出:



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ruby-on-rails - 由于 405 API 响应,Protractor 测试在 Codeship 上失败

量角器配置和脚本在我们的本地开发环境和持续集成环境(类似于 Codeship)中都按预期工作。

项目结构如下(我在下面描述 Codeship 环境状态):

AngularJS应用程序使用Ruby on rails应用程序从REST API构建请求数据,使用AJAX请求。

在我们的 Codeship 配置中,我们设置了 rails 应用程序、迁移和种子数据库,以便所有必要的数据都可用。

AngularJS 应用程序也配置正确,因为登录页面按预期呈现 (我正在打印屏幕,并且主页已正确加载)。

用户名和密码由量角器使用有效凭据(在 mysql DB 中可用)填写。

但是,当单击“登录”按钮时,AJAX 调用返回的响应是 405 Method Not Allowed


有什么想法为什么 API 只会在 Codeship 上返回 405?


以下是显示 API 响应的屏幕截图部分: 在此处输入图像描述