问题标签 [codemirror-modes]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
javascript - CodeMirror 突出显示特定的正则表达式匹配
这是我用于 CodeMirror 的代码:
javascript - Match word only in codemirror simplemode
I am trying to write a very generic editor, and wanted to highlight any known keywords, no context awareness required.
I created the following regex
and the following state.
I understand that to match at line beginning , I would have to use sol: true, as ^ has no meaning in our context. But this causes problems for me. without sol: true, writing
let leaflet let
will highlight all lets. with sol: true, only first let will match
let leaflet let
My desired outcome is that i get,
let leaflet let
How can I do so?
reactjs - 如何使用 react-codemirror2 使用自定义 CodeMirror 模式
javascript - 将字符串功能添加到 codemirror 定义模式功能
我正在为 js 做一个编辑器,但有额外的关键字和其他东西。但唯一的问题是我无法为其添加字符串功能。
codemirror - 根据代码镜像中的搜索字符串过滤行
我正在使用 Code Mirror 在我的 Web 应用程序中显示调试日志。我还需要根据用户选择的搜索过滤器过滤调试日志行,并将它们显示在同一文本字段中。有没有办法在代码镜像中做到这一点?我曾尝试使用 SearchCursor 方法,但没有奏效。