问题标签 [code-by-voice]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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speech-recognition - 面向开发人员的语音识别软件

好吧,医生终于说出来了,我需要在手腕上放松几个月。由于我是一名 .NET 开发人员,这可能会暂时结束我的生计,我并不急于这样做。也就是说,开发人员有什么好的免提选项吗?有人成功使用了任何语音识别软件吗?

后记:我的手臂再次恢复到双手编程不成问题的程度。Dragon 自然地运行良好,但速度较慢,不像键盘那样我编程的速度比我想象的要快。

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sql - 如何在 SQL Server Management Studio 编辑器中查看制表位的位置?

我使用语音识别来口述 SQL,而且排列起来很痛苦。如果我能看到制表位在哪里,那会节省很多时间。

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sql - 我可以使用语音识别编写 SQL 吗?

我打字时手腕痛,我想开始使用语音识别编写 SQL 语句、存储过程和视图。

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visual-studio-2008 - Visual Studio 语音命令

你知道钢铁侠在电影中是如何为他的 IDE 使用语音命令的吗?有没有可以做这种事情的 Visual Studio 插件?如果没有,你如何自己制作它们?

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java - Voice operated Software development tools

I have been suffering from severe RSI on my hands and wrists and as a full-time Java programmer, and this is becoming a risk to my livelihood. I use Dragon Dictate for the Mac, which does quite a good job of writing English, but speaking to it in Java is very cumbersome due to the cryptic nature of programming languages. Navigating the code is also tricky and can be rather exhausting.

I currently use the Eclipse IDE but haven't found any plug-ins to help in this regard. from what I have read in other posts in this forum (for example, Voice recognition software for developers, and Can i write sql using speech recognition), the approach I should take should be to give Dragon Dictate a custom vocabulary consisting of Java keywords, and to create a number of custom voice triggered commands that correspond to existing shortcut keys (e.g., "navigate to superclass") or sequences of actions that I perform on a routine basis using AppleScript ( e.g., “commit to SVN").

I could just go ahead and implement this (with some difficulty due to physical limitations) but cant help feeling that I would be reinventing the wheel. I mean, surely RSI must be a relatively common problem among programmers, and I would have expected that there might be a plug-in or even, an IDE, that facilitates coding by voice and also associated tasks (for example, debugging the program by stepping through it etc.) I just don't seem to find this anywhere.

If anybody has any suggestions about the Java IDE that I could use (I don't need to use Eclipse obviously) I'll be very interested to hear them.

Alternatively, if anybody uses Dragon Dictate for the Mac and has a command set for Eclipse or another Java IDE that they are willing to share with me, that would also be a great help.

Thanks, Ixent