问题标签 [cloud9]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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node.js - 为什么 rxjs 一直不是正确的版本?

我正在尝试在 cloud9 上安装 node/angular2 解决方案。这是我的 package.json

尽管这是如何编写的,但我在以下期间不断收到此错误npm install


我尝试将 package.json 更改为 beta.6,但仍然失败。


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node.js - 如何访问 cloud9 中的 localhost:9000 以获得 Harp 服务器(自定义工作区)?

我正在尝试使用 运行 harp 服务器harp server my-blog,它在 localhost:9000 提供服务。如何在 Cloud9 中访问它?


http://workspace-user.c9users.io:9000 http://workspace.user.c9users.io:9000

甚至使用 mysql-cli 的 7 位数字也没有任何效果!

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javascript - 无法让 Node.js Express 代码在 Cloud 9 中说“Hello World”

一直在试验 Cloud 9,并一直在尝试使用Express 网站上的示例代码来获得“Hello World!”。我尝试收听几个不同的端口/ip,参考https://docs.c9.io/docs/run-an-applicationRunning Hello World using Node js Express in cloud 9IDE。尽管侦听器会运行,但此后它将永远不会关闭或返回任何内容。有谁知道为什么会这样?这是我的代码:

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node.js - Cloud9 上的 Sqlite3/Node 语法错误

我在节点项目中运行 sqlite3 时遇到语法错误。如果重要的话,我会在 Cloud9 工作站上运行它。我想我的代码很简单。

我使用node index.js运行它,我的错误......


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jquery - Jquery Animation cloud9轮播添加活动类


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ruby-on-rails - No gravatar is showing for the user

I am doing the exersizes of https://www.railstutorial.org/book. I am facing an issue in Chapter 7 at 7.1.4 "A gravatar image and a sidebar" section. Even I have made the appropriate code changes, no gravatar is showing on https://rails-tutorial-zovasilei.c9users.io/users/1. Only the name and the email of the user (with no gravatar) is showing on https://rails-tutorial-zovasilei.c9users.io/users/1.

I am working on cloud9 environment. The app is behaving such as the code has not been refreshed. Thus, I checked that the files have indeed been saved, and double-checked the code, but I do not understand which is the issue as no gravatar still appears.

I quote the code of some files:





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google-cloud-platform - 谷歌云8081端口无法访问Cloud9

我无法在谷歌云平台上运行的 8081 端口访问 Cloud9。




允许的协议和端口包括 tcp:8000-8089

IP 地址设置为静态和外部

用于运行 Cloud9 的命令:

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html - Accessing an Audio File From a Different Folder

I am doing a project for my computer science class in which I am adding audio into my website. I am doing this in cloud 9. And I have a folder of different songs on a different folder. I need to be able to access the song from the higher folder. People have been saying to use this code:

But the code was given to me fro images, I have not been able to do it with a song. When I use this code I get the normal looking play button on my website, but it is grayed out. I have been able to get it to work, but only if I take the song out of the folder and put it at the same level as the file. I have also tested different audio files to see if that is the problem.

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ruby-on-rails - Cloud9/Heroku - 错误 H10 应用程序崩溃

尝试在 Heroku 中部署,但不断收到错误 H10。除了正确部署和针对 Heroku 运行迁移之外,到目前为止,我已经尝试过:

  • Heroku 重启

  • 再次缩小和放大测功机

  • 重置数据库

Heroku 在这里记录:


应用程序在“本地”(Cloud9 服务器)运行良好。有任何想法吗?提前致谢 :)

编辑:使用 Ruby 1.9.3

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python - 使用参数“()”和关键字参数“{u'cd':''}'未找到'course_detail'的反向。尝试了 1 种模式:['courses/(?P\\d+)/$']

我对 Django 相当陌生,我遵循了一个帮助使用 Django 创建博客的教程。那个项目很顺利。但是当我想使用我从该教程中学到的东西并制作我自己的简单网站时,事情就变成了梨形。我已经解决这个问题很长时间了,这真的让我很烦恼,所以我希望一双新的眼睛可以帮助我破解这个问题。










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