问题标签 [checkin-policy]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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tfs - 合并 TFS 签入策略以获得正确的文件名

背景:一些开发人员在签入代码之前没有维护正确的命名约定。因此,这些工件不会被构建过程拾取,因此依赖关系被破坏并在目标服务器上部署后导致失败。例如,包含 db 函数的文件GetMaxId()应具有如下命名约定GetMaxId.Function.Ora.Sql


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c# - 自定义 TFS 签入策略:在评估期间“取消选中”已检查的待处理更改

我有一个 VS2017 的 Check-In-Policy 扩展(使用 TFS 2017),它检查待处理的签入是否包含与给定正则表达式匹配的文件。




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.net-core - 如何在 Visual Studio 2019 中注册自定义签入策略?

在 Visual Studio 2017 中,要注册我们将使用privateregistry.bin位于%localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15_...中的自定义签入策略,我们将向以下路径添加键:

\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_24405233Exp_Config\TeamFoundation\SourceControl\Checkin Policies

在 Visual Studio 2019 中,我们做了同样的事情,它不会加载我们的自定义签入策略。这里有什么变化吗?

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visual-studio - Visual Studio Check In Policy in combination with .NET analyzers

We worked before with FxCop Code Analyzers and TFS check in policies. I can find articles to migrate the code analysis to .Net Analyzer. I changed a project and the code analysis seems to be working after removing the deprecated FxCop.

But I cannot find any information regarding changing the check in policies to match with the new .NET Analyzers. Does anyone have information on this topic?

.csproj true

Instead of a ruleset .NetAnalyzers seem to use "Analysis Level" which can not be configured in the checkin policies.

VS Project Settings and Source Control Settings

Build is working fine without errors and we get warnings due to code analysis. We tried to add a Code Ruleset in the project for the MinimumRecommendedRules.ruleset but when we check in get:

An unexpected error occurred while evaluating the Code Analysis check-in policy. The error might be transient. Try again.