问题标签 [charsequence]

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java - Is this sending the right value back? Not working in test Java

SO i made a CharSequence[] array with all the two consecutive uppercase letters. Why is this code not returning the correct values?

and in the main string, this syntax:

now everything else in the three classes work. This is the only problem and it seems to get stuck in the else. Why is it not testing all of the array char's then returning true or not? It gets stuck in a loop if i enter: AApassword.1 , which fits all the other criteria, except the two consecutive capitals. So then i enter: aApassword.1 , which should fit ALL of the criteria, but it still prints out the else statement, instead of breaking the while loop. Can anyone help me?

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android - android中TextView.getText()的返回类型是什么?

为什么TextView.getText()返回 aCharSequence而不是 a String

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android - How can I use " getCharSequence " in this code?

I have this code for sending a text is selected from first textView to second textView with clicking on a button :

but when I press button nothing send to txt2 and txt2 is empty .... why ??

I think txt2.setText(stringYouExtracted) is wrong but I am very biginner and I can't fix it ????

Is public CharSequence getCharSequence (String key) a solution ?? if yes help me because I don't know how can I use it ????

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r - 为 Shiny 提取列名序列

我正在构建一个 RShiny 应用程序,并试图以有效的方式生成 checkboxGroupInput 选项。


有没有办法用像 seq 或 letters 这样的函数来提取列名?理想情况下,它会是这样的,虽然下面当然不起作用:



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android - 没有美元符号的Android EditText货币输入样式


我尝试了所有方法,但无法删除 $ sysmbol。如何删除此代码?

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java - 通过枚举 XOR new type[] + enumeration 初始化数组有什么区别吗?


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java - 如何在 Java 中将重音字符转换为 HTML 符号?

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java - 将 CharBuffer 和 StringBuilder 转换为超接口

StringBuilder 和 CharBuffer 都实现了 CharSequence 和 Appendable 接口。声明超接口时

然后我可以将 CharBuffer 转换为 IAppendableCharSequence,但不能转换为 StringBuilder:


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java - 实例化接口 CharSequence

if CharSequenceis an interface 那么,在上面的例子中我们不是在实例化一个接口吗?

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java - 何时在 String.subString 上使用 String.subSequence 方法?

我知道 subSequence 返回一个只读的 charSequence。此外,String 类实现了 CharSequence。subString 返回一个字符串。
