问题标签 [chai]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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angularjs - 角度测试指令 - find 没有按预期工作(或根本没有?)





{0: <bars-chart chart-data="distribution" chart-width="200" class="ng-scope"></bars-chart>, length: 1}


我正在使用jquery-chai使测试 dom/css 更容易一些,但它不会对这个问题产生任何影响(至少据我所知,我禁用了它并获得了相同的效果)。


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node.js - 在 Node 中只对 chai-http 单元测试进行 1 个 http 调用?

我正在尝试 Mocha/Chai 的chai-http插件。它围绕着 Superagent。一切似乎都很好,除了我想知道......

我不应该能够进行一次 http 调用并为每个调用编写单独的测试吗?测试似乎希望您在响应函数中编写断言,如下所示:




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node.js - Webstorm 7.0.2 中的 Chai 识别

我想通过 mocha 和 chai 测试 node.js 应用程序。

我从 mocha 网站修改了以下代码片段:

好吧,一切正常,测试通过,但.expectWebstorm 无法识别。安装了库 chai-DefinitelyTyped。

奇怪的事实:当我更改require( 'chai' )require( 'chai.js' )require( 'chaijs' )期望被 IDE 识别时,测试将不再运行。


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javascript - 断言一个错误被抛出使用 new 来执行一个构造函数

将 Chai 与 Mocha 一起使用,我将使用什么语法来断言在使用 new 关键字执行构造函数时会引发错误?使用以下内容时出现错误:

assert.throw(new SomeFunction, Error);


AssertionError: expected { Object () } to be a function

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javascript - NodeJS“make test”返回一个 Permission denied

我正在尝试使用 Mocha 和 Chai 测试我的 NodeJS 应用程序,但是我收到了这个错误:


有什么想法吗 ?

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javascript - Javascript Function showing up on object but undefined when called

I have this really weird case:

When I log the object I can clearly see that the Interactions object has the getInteractions function, but when I try and call it I get undefined.

This is in a mocha test using chai.js with the should syntax. I'm not sure how relevant that is.

I've also defined Interactions like this:

The setAjax function is where the getInteractions method is defined.

I originally defined these things in the beforeEach() function but it wasn't even recognizing Interactions as being created. I'm not sure what's going on since this is my first time with Mocha. I've searched for hours and can't figure out where to even go from here. Any help would be great.

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ember.js - 如何在单元测试期间存根计算属性?




但这不正确,因为我们需要定义一个 setter(并非所有计算属性都如此)

也失败了,因为Ember.computed返回一个object但 sinon 需要一个方法作为第二个参数

那么,问题是stub在 ember 0.9.8 中计算属性的正确方法是什么?

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mocha.js - How to get mocha with chai assert to report file/line number?

I'm using mocha with chai.assert for my tests. Errors are caught and reported, but they don't show a file/line number where they happen. I'm used to having location information with tests in other languages, it's otherwise hard to figure out which assert failed.

Is there some way to get location information with mocha/chai/assert?

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javascript - 摩卡咖啡可能会推迟柴的期望

我正在使用 mocha、selenium 和 chai 进行一些测试驱动的开发,我是这些库的初学者,我问我是否已经做对了?这是我的一段functional_tests.js


我期待在第二个chai 期望上得到一个断言错误,但我以这个错误结束:

NoSuchElementError: 无法定位元素:{"method":"id","selector":"input-url"}。


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javascript - Mocha/Chai 测试预期与实际的对象数组

当两者都是对象数组时,断言预期结果与实际结果匹配的最佳方法是什么?我的直接想法是使用 Array 原型过滤器并检查交集是否与预期的大小相同,即:
