问题标签 [caml-light]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ocaml - caml-light 最后一行没有发出警告

我在玩-caml-light 中的一元运算符和二元运算符之间的区别。

我希望代码要么抛出错误(因为它对 a 或 c 有多少参数感到困惑)要么打印:

但是,它编译没有问题(下面的编译器版本)并打印 -1


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ocaml - ocaml says there is a syntax error in the expression supposed to be run in camllight

I'm following this paper: Introduction to Functional Programming. In the chapter on the ML language family there are examples to be run with camllight. However, in Debian repositories, I haven't found any package that contains camllight, so I'm using ocaml instead:

Example code from the paper worked fine until this one from the part on custom type definitions:

Trying this one out with ocaml outputs:

with the first of underlined.

Why the syntax error? Is this some language feature of camllight that is not present in ocaml? Or can I enable it somehow?

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pattern-matching - Caml/Ocaml:模式匹配多个参数函数

我正在尝试制作这个递归函数,它需要一个int x和一个列表,然后从列表中删除第一批x元素:


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functional-programming - 同一个函数的执行是否比将结果与变量关联起来差两倍?





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functional-programming - 函数返回 'a list list 而不是 'a list

以下代码尝试创建一个函数,该函数'a list list -> 'a list给出一个列表列表,返回一个列表,该列表由从列表中提取的每个第一个元素组成。


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exception - OCaml:异常问题

我编写了一个程序来评估 OCaml 中的逆波兰符号,但是当我添加异常的 gestion 时遇到了一些麻烦。



有人能帮助我吗 ?我认为问题在于 OCaml 的语法特异性,因为我在 Caml Light 上看到了一个类似的程序,它运行良好。