问题标签 [calabash-ios]

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ios - Calabash 在 iOS 控制台中找不到 plist

我正在尝试在calabash-ios consoleusing中启动测试服务器start_test_server_in_background,但收到一个错误,它找不到目标的 plist。我不确定我在这里做错了什么,而且我肯定会在构建的 .app 产品中看到 Info.plist 文件。


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calabash - 表格视图单击并滚动每一行(Calabash)

所以我试图滚动并单击表格视图上的每个单元格。我有一个部分和 13 行我使用以下代码




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ios-simulator - 通过 Calabash 测试启动屏幕后应用程序关闭

运行“黄瓜”命令时,iOS 模拟器会启动并尝试打开我的应用程序。应用程序的初始屏幕出现,然后模拟器返回主屏幕。我最终收到一条错误消息:

我可以通过 xCode 在 iOS 模拟器中手动启动 -cal 应用程序。我可以尝试找出为什么我的应用程序没有通过使用 Calabash 的模拟器运行的任何故障排除步骤?


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cucumber - 葫芦黄瓜:如果场景需要很长时间或可能被绞死,如何强制葫芦步骤失败

当测试运行很长时间时,Calabash 测试在场景之间挂起,如果任何条件不满足,我预计场景会超时。但是,这也没有发生,因此测试继续进行到下一个场景。




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sonarqube - 代码覆盖率:使用 Sonarqube 进行葫芦测试

我们可以使用 Sonarqube 通过葫芦测试进行代码覆盖吗?


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ruby - Touch does not respond in Calabash-ios Xcode 6.1.1

Recently started with Calabash on iOS. I have a simple code that does a touch("label marked:'Username'") and then uses keyboard_enter_text to enter the text, but for some reason when I run this via cucumber from command line or without setting breakpoints in Rubymine the code just runs and does not produce the desired result and the touch does not seem to do anything and the keyboard is not activated. I am doing this on a real device, (I have tried various devices).

How ever if I debug the code using ruby mine using breakpoint it produces the desired result.

I have the below setup

I have checked that My App is linked with the correct calabash.framework and that it matches the gem version 0.11.4

When I debug using ruby mine then the steps run successfully (the touch works and the keyboard is activated), how ever when I run from command line or run without breakpoints in Ruby mine, the touch just seems to fail without issuing any warnings or errors. Not sure what is causing it, I have upgraded from Xcode 6.1 to Xcode 6.1.1 and that too did not help.

I have noticed similar issues reported by people in the past, but they have been around older versions of the calabash iOS gem and supposed to have been fixed in 0.11.4

When I run the app in DEBUG mode with DEBUG=1 and HTTP_DEBUG=1 I can see below

Command line run in which touch does not do anything



Debug run from ruby mine using breakpoint

` As we can see the debug run in Rubymine seems to return information about frame ordinates that are missing in the first run

The log output at /var/folders/25/9_sb609576jcmgdbqt553ps08n5b5c/T/run_loop20150227-8208-1g7ccvv/run_loop.out for the failed run

And for the successful debug run (that activated the touch and the keyboard) at /var/folders/25/9_sb609576jcmgdbqt553ps08n5b5c/T/run_loop20150227-7941-1c6mznp/run_loop.out

The run_loop.out does not seem to give any indication either.

Am I missing something ? Why does the touch not have any effect and not activate the keyboard. Any help is appreciated.

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calabash-ios - 有没有办法模拟应用程序被杀死?

我想知道是否可以使用 Calabash-ios 框架模拟一个被杀死的应用程序(手动我们双击主页按钮并将应用程序窗口从屏幕上滑出)。然后重新启动应用程序。谢谢你。

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xamarin - 是否有任何工具可以在基于 Xamarin 的项目中使用葫芦测试来测试代码覆盖率

我正在使用葫芦测试在基于 Xamarin 的移动应用程序项目中寻找用于黑盒测试代码覆盖率的工具?

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xcode - 从 Xcode 中删除 -cal 目标

设置一个 Xcode 项目以使用 Calabash 进行测试。如何完全删除 -cal 目标。存储库中已经有一个相当旧的 -cal 目标。我想重新设置,但是当我运行设置时,它似乎创建了另一个 -cal 目标。有什么想法吗?Xcode 6。

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ios - 更改 ios 模拟器中葫芦在使用 ruby​​ 的场景失败时截取的屏幕截图路径

我正在使用葫芦对 iOS 本机应用程序进行测试。calabash 在场景失败时截取屏幕截图并将其命名为 screenshot_0 并将其保存在我的项目目录中。我想知道如何更改屏幕截图的路径以及如何更改文件名。


我在某处看到过page.driver.browser,simulator.save_screenshot ...并用模拟器替换了浏览器,但没有用...有没有办法改变ios sim保存模拟器的位置而不触及failure_helpers?