问题标签 [business-catalyst]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
business-catalyst - Category Left Side Accordion Menu
I have a customer who updates his site categories regularly, according to customer requests, and also adds a single level of subcategories to each category. He uses Categories section under Site Settings on BC admin to add these categories and subcategories.
I want a Category Accordion Menu on the left side of the home page that updates when the site categories are updated at a single location.
When you select a particular subcategory on the Category menu, I want a list of webapp items displayed that are identified with that subcategory.
I do not want to use drop down lists.
Is this possible? I am finding it difficult to find a solution.
Edit - Additional Information
The category menu works, thank you.
I now need to display a selectable list of subcategories in center column of page with the following process:
Category is selected on left side column menu with link to category html page (for example - category.html) variable is passed to category page identifying category selected and 2 column subcategory list to display. Only subcategories related to Press releases are listed. Single category page for all categories - dynamic.
Select subcategory from 2 column list in center column.
Subcategory page is displayed (for example subcategory.html) and related Press Releases are displayed in a summary list under 2 column subcategory list in center column according to variable passed from selection of subcategory. Single subcategory page - dynamic.
Press Release page is displayed (for example press-release.html) when a specific Press release is selected from Press Release summary list. A variable is passed from subcategory.html Press Release selection. Single Press Release page - dynamic.
3 variables: What category? What subcategory? What Press Release?
Question: What is the code to display a 2 column subcategory list that have related Press Releases? Category ID variable should be passed to category HTML page. Category, Subcategory and Press Release pages are dynamic, displaying according to variable passed to page.
The categories and Subcategories are created in BC admin under Site settings > categories.
If somebody else understands a solution, please feel free to add your answer.
liquid - 用液体在产品详细信息中隐藏显示过滤器面板
我需要在产品详细信息中隐藏产品过滤器面板。通常我会用 js 来做这个,但我不能让它与液体一起工作。
javascript - Ajax 本地内容使用 jQuery 在另一个页面上放置不同的对象
我想要将较大的视图评级加载到 .small-product 布局中。这是 .small-product 的 html:
Ajax 的大视图内容:
我的 JS 和一些 Jquery:
现在我尝试和工作但它只适用于 1 个单独的元素是如果我使用.load('/href/path/to/large/view .product-large-reviews');
我只收到来自服务器的 404 响应,说它找不到,我猜它找不到,因为网址看起来像它们与要加载的类一起加载,例如www.site.com/path/to/large/ view.product-large-reviews。我尝试了在两者之间留出空间的方法,但它一直返回 404。
html - 图像在平板电脑和手机上扩大而不是缩小?
business-catalyst - 是否可以在 Business Catalyst 中按分类设置相关文章面板
我希望在 Business Catalyst 中的文章页面上创建相关文章面板。
是否可以使用 Web 应用程序项目列表指定它仅显示文章自己分类中的项目?
javascript - Adobe Business Catalyst - 自定义安全区
我想为安全区创建一个模板,但取决于登录名,取决于标题中出现的徽标。这是否可以使用 Business Catalyst 或者我需要一些其他类型的编码,比如 Javascript 或其他东西?
javascript - 将表单纯文本传递到要在另一个页面上填充的 URL Business Catalyst
我正在努力将结帐页面中的一些纯文本传递到收据页面,但是我的服务器功能有很多限制,所以我相信我可以使用 Javascript 来实现这一点,但是凭借我的知识库,我无法做到然而。
我的问题是如何将产品名称、价格和数量作为纯文本传输到表单提交时的 URL,以便我可以在下一页填充。
javascript - 将 img 元素向上移动到多篇博客文章的 dom
默认情况下,如果我将图像放在博客文章的顶部,BC 只会渲染照片。如果我不放照片,BC 会渲染一半的博文——这很愚蠢。无论在什么情况下,我都只想渲染第一张照片。
这需要在 BC 呈现帖子之前发生。
share - 在页面中添加此在博客提要中共享链接
我想知道是否有人可以建议。我已经在我的网站页面中实现了 addthis 共享链接,并且效果很好。
我正在使用 Business Catalyst 创建我的网站,这是我目前正在使用的代码
html - 我的页面中出现的匿名表格标签
我在 Business Catalyst 工作并为我的 Webapp 创建了一个列表,并创建了我自己的模块模板,如下所示: