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jenkins - 构建触发器不会保存在 Jenkins 中
我们最近安装了 Blue Ocean,并且不知道它是否会以某种方式改变管道作业定义的保存方式。如果蓝海阻碍了这样一个基本设置,这似乎是一个糟糕的决定,但仍然如此。我们也无法通过蓝海创建管道作业,因为我们的作业不是由任何 SCM 触发的,而蓝海需要这样做。
jenkins - 如何在 jenkinsfile 触发器中定义过滤器逻辑
- 这个语法对吗?我可以在GenericTrigger中添加 2 个过滤器吗?
- A和B之间的逻辑是什么?当A和B都满足时,会触发吗?
- 如果我想要(A 或 B)触发构建怎么办?我可以在触发器中添加 2 个GenericTrigger吗?喜欢:
azure-devops - YAML 管道中路径过滤器中通配符的可用性
根据最近的更新:https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/release-notes/2021/sprint-192-update#support-for-wild-cards-in-path-filters通配符将在 2-3 周后在路径触发器中得到支持(大概从文档发布日期 9 月 8 日开始)。
作为一个非常简单的示例,我希望以下内容在 src 目录中发生某些更改时触发构建,但没有任何反应 - 我犯了错误还是尚未推出更新?
azure-devops - How Schedule Triggers work in Azure Devops?
Quite new to the CI/CD pipelines in AzDO. I was going through some official Azure Pipeline documents where I have some doubts on Schedule Triggers.
Below is a pipeline Snippet in main branch:
The documentation says the Pipeline will run for branches "main" and "releases" at midnight if there has been some changes to those branches since the last successful scheduled run and build the "releases" branch on sunday irrespective of changes to releases branch which seems understandable.
Which means we can control other branches (e.g. releases) to build from YAML file present in another branch (e.g. main).
Again, the documentation also states, for below YAML in a release branch
The pipeline won't build "release" branch since the branch name is missing under "branches" section. But will it build the "main" branch though since it's mentioned under "branches" section?
If no, then how can the first YAML in main branch make "releases" branches to build? Does the YAML file in main/default branch has some special capabilities?
If yes, does it really make sense to build "main" branch from release/non-main branches?
Thanks in advance.
jenkins - 如何在每次成功构建时触发来自 Jenkins 的邮件
我已将我的 BDD 框架与 jenin 集成。只有当构建不稳定并且构建变得不稳定到稳定时,我才会收到邮件。但我想为每个 buld 创建触发邮件,无论失败、成功还是稳定