问题标签 [bridge]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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design-patterns - 什么时候使用桥接模式?它与适配器模式有何不同?


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design-patterns - 代理、装饰器、适配器和桥接模式有何不同?


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c# - Extending both sides of a Visitor/Bridge pattern

Say I have a hierarchy of classes, let's use the classic Shape examples:

abstract class Shape
Circle : Shape
Square : Shape

I have a second hierarchy of renderer classes that handle the rendering of shapes in different ways:

abstract class ShapeRenderer
HtmlShapeRenderer : ShapeRenderer
WindowsFormsShapeRenderer : ShapeRenderer

Allowing these to vary independently would traditionally involve using the Bridge pattern. Allowing the rendering actions to be extended without modifying the Shape classes would traditionally involve the Visitor pattern.

However, both of these focus exclusively on extending the implementation side and not the abstraction side. Say I wanted to add a new Shape, say Triangle - I want to be able to support rendering the Triangle as well. Since both the Visitor and the Bridge pattern rely on "flattening" the abstraction hierarchy into a set of methods, e.g.:

The only way to extend the Shape hierarchy is to modify the code of the base ShapeRenderer class, which is a breaking change.

Jon, to clarify: Using the Bridge or Visitor allows clients to provide alternative rendering implementations, but requires them to know about all potential Shapes. What I'd like to be able to do is allow clients to also be able to extend the Shape class and require them to provide a rendering implementation for their new class. This way, existing code can work with any type of Shape, without worrying about the particulars of rendering them.

Is there a common solution to this sort of problem usable in C#?

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design-patterns - 桥接模式和策略模式有什么区别?




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design-patterns - 桥接模式和适配器模式之间的区别


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java - 桥接模式示例


子类 CircleShape 构造函数接受 4 个参数,在它的 draw() 方法中,前 3 个参数被传递给第四个参数,它可以是来自 DrawingAPI 的任何子类。那么这是否意味着使用桥接模式可以增加灵活性呢?这个例子还能告诉我们更多的事情吗?


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c++ - 桥接模式与装饰器模式

任何人都可以为我详细说明 Bridge 设计模式和 Decorator 模式。我发现它在某些方面很相似。不知道怎么区分?





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oop - 桥接模式 - 组合还是聚合?


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c++ - 在 C++ 中实现具有桥接模式的 IntStack

这个问题来自“Thinking in C++” Vol-1,Chapter 5's practice No.14:

使用“柴郡猫”技术创建一个 StackOfInt 类(一个包含整数的堆栈),该技术隐藏了用于将元素存储在名为 StackImp 的类中的低级数据结构。实现两种版本的 StackImp:一种使用固定长度的 int 数组,另一种使用向量。为堆栈预设最大大小,因此您不必担心在第一个版本中扩展数组。请注意,StackOfInt.h 类不必随 StackImp 更改。

StackOfInt.h这是我创建的头文件 ( ):



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c++ - 如何正确包装 3rd 方库结构?

在我的项目中,我使用了一个不断变化的 3rd 方库。我有这个库的包装类(桥模式 + Pimpl 模式)。因此,除了包装器实现之外,我的任何来源都没有看到该库。这个库有一个 Options 结构,例如

我希望这个结构在 GUI 模块中可用,以构建一个允许设置这些选项的对话框。我需要为它创建一个包装结构吗?例如


包装器的缺点是:复制粘贴,用于在结构之间转换的附加代码。直接的缺点包括:打破 pimpl 成语。


另外我想强调的是,第 3 方库是不断变化的,所以我必须采用我的资源来支持库的每个新版本。