问题标签 [blueimp]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
php - Form data on load of Blueimp jQuery File Upload
It seems that I have looked everywhere and tried everything and I can not get this to work, any help would be much appreciated! I am using Blueimp's jQuery File Upload. I have changed the UploadHandler.php in the following ways to make this upload work with multiple records and places within my system. I am using PHP and MySQL.
Added to handle_file_upload function so that the file path, file name, file type, file size, the record type, and the "job number" is uploaded to a table I created in MySQL for each different file.
This job number is sent to the page (with the file upload) as a get variable as well as a hidden form field to send to the Handler when adding a file. The add_file function I added is as follows:
The query function:
I have a function for the delete as well. Now, this all works fine. Every file I add is saved and the path is stored in the database. From here I had to find a way to only show the files uploaded for that record instead of showing all files for every record. I modified the get function:
The query_db function:
Where the filepath is correct on my system. This, again, works just fine. But as you can see from the query in the query_db function I have the job_num hard coded. I need a way to get this when the first page is loaded. I have looked for a way to do this and nothing has worked. When I submit/add other files I can use the $_REQUEST['job_num'] to get it, but not when the page is loaded. I am not very familiar with OOP PHP so some of this is new to me.
php - 如何向 Blueimp Uploader 提交额外的表单数据?
我正在尝试通过 Blueimp jquery 文件上传器向 MYSQL 插入额外的表单数据。但我有一些问题。
我正在使用演示设置并将模板上传更改为以下代码(* 我添加了 Notunuz 输入)
- 如何获取额外的表单数据?
- 如何更改
我的第二个问题是如何重定向到特定的 URL 上传完成?
yii - yii xupload mysql for CActiveForm
我试图在 CActiveForm 中包含 yii 的 xupload 扩展我尝试遵循这个http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/395/additional-form-data-with-xupload/ 但是我做不到。我有一个包含用户名和文件名字段的表单(允许用户上传并从视图中查看。)这是我的视图
javascript - 在 Blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload 中过滤文件
我正在尝试使用 Blueimp / jQuery-File-Upload 我的项目,我想测试文件扩展名,因为我只想下载照片,有人告诉我应该在哪里以及如何配置 blueimp / jQuery-File-Upload 所以我可以这样做
file-upload - blueimp Basic Plugin:不在 IE 中上传,所有版本
我在我的项目中使用 blueimp fileupload 基本插件。它在 Safari、Firefox、Chrome 中运行良好,但 Internet Explorer 9 及以下版本存在问题:
开始回调被调用,在开发人员工具的网络选项卡中,我看到正在执行 ajax 调用。但是该文件永远不会被上传(我也在服务器上检查过)并且调用最终以 408 请求超时结束。
php - Blueimp jQuery 文件上传插件 - “空文件上传”结果 PHP
这是插件:https ://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload
我成功地从 $_FILES 中检索上传的文件并执行操作,然后以 JSON 格式发回响应。我已经使用 Firebug 确认响应格式正确:
但是回调找不到文件数组,我得到错误:'空文件上传结果'。我觉得我在这里遗漏了一些重要的东西——我在文档、论坛或 Stack Overflow 中找不到任何东西。我很感激任何帮助。
javascript - 从 POST 获取 302 状态的响应
jQuery 文件上传:
data.submit() 将 POST 发送到 appengine,它返回 302(来自 webapp.RequestHandler 的重定向())。重定向后是否可以从此 POST 获得响应?
javascript - 在 ckeditor 中集成 blueimp 文件上传
是否可以将 Blueimp FileUpload ( https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload ) 与编辑器 CkEditor ( http://ckeditor.com/ ) 集成在一起???
jquery - 使用 jquery fileupload basic 以编程方式删除文件
我正在使用 blueimp 文件上传插件(基本版)来实现多文件上传。我正在尝试实现允许用户删除排队文件以进行上传的功能。我无法弄清楚如何正确访问文件数组。每次在添加回调中,索引为 0,文件数组长度为 1(它只包含用户单击删除的文件)。我正在为每个排队到 div 的文件添加一个链接,该链接是可单击的,如果单击,则应删除该文件。
jquery - Blueimp / Jquery 每个文件的文件上传进度条
如何使用 jQuery File Upload(Blueimp http://goo.gl/y1Y2b ) 为每个文件创建进度条?我有多个表格,每个表格都有一个上传按钮。