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c# - 在 BlockingCollection 中插入元素

是否可以在 -not empty- BlockingCollection 中的第一个位置(或编号位置)插入一个元素?就像列表的“插入”方法一样。


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c# - C# BlockingCollection 生产者消费者不阻塞消费者线程

我有一种情况,我需要有大量(数百个)队列,其中项目应该按顺序处理(需要单线程消费者)。我的第一个实现基于示例,我为每个 BlockingCollection 使用了一个长时间运行的任务来使用队列项。然而,我最终得到了一个有数百个线程的应用程序,这些线程大多处于空闲状态,除了消耗内存之外什么都不做,因为队列大部分时间都是空的。




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c# - 正如我所料,这个 BlockingCollection 不是 FIFO

感谢您查看我的问题:我有一个(非 gui 线程)BlockingCollection,我一直认为它是 FIFO(先进先出),但我现在意识到它不是


好的。那我想要什么?我想在其中创建第二个线程(非 GUI),Visual Studio Express 2013 C# Winforms就像一个工作室,它会按照发送它们的顺序执行它传递的事情。


这种奇怪安排的原因是我想拥有多达 20 或 30types个队列对象(我将这些都称为QDoType_something)并且我对布局感到满意,但如果我调用引擎将无法工作



所以它显然不是“ FIFO”,这是令人震惊的..有没有办法确保我BlockingCollection是a)not gui线程b)只作为一个额外的线程运行和c)第二个线程总是在运行FIFO(先进先出?)






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python - 可以在网络应用程序中使用 Pika BlockingConnection 吗?

BlockingConnection我对and有点困惑AsyncoreConnection。我想从 Django 应用程序向 RabbitMQ 队列发送一些消息。BlockingConnection使用全局对象可以做到这一点吗?


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c# - 无法在第二轮中将项目添加到集合中



BlockingCollection 已被标记为关于添加的完整。



我意识到有一个代码bc.CompleteAdding();可以阻止进一步的添加。所以我把它注释掉了,但它不会进入第二轮区块。它没有到达代码Console.WriteLine("Blocking end");它与我的旧线程相同。

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c# - 完成两个任务然后打印一些东西





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c# - 您可以将多个 BlockingCollections 包装在一个后备存储周围吗?

我想知道是否可以使用单个后备存储实例化多个 BlockingCollections,例如:

本次调查的动机如下;BlockingCollection需要调用它的 Dispose 方法。这与使用using块是无缝的。然而,由于一个using块并不总是合适的(考虑生产者和消费者不仅生活在不同的方法中,而且还生活在不同的线程上)试图做调用 Dispose 所需的簿记变得不那么琐碎,而且更容易出错. 但是,如果不是传播 a BlockingCollection,而是传播后备存储,则BlockingCollection可以在using块内本地实例化一个本地。

我的猜测是您可以,因为 IProducerConsumerCollection 接口中没有任何内容,这是 BlockingCollection 唯一依赖的东西,这似乎暗示了其他情况。

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c# - Task.WhenAll 与 BlockingCollection 产生的无限任务的使用


我正在等待 GetConsumingEnumerable 返回的 Enumerable 上的 Task.WhenAll。

我的问题是:接收 IEnumerable 的 Task.WhenAll 的超载是否“准备好”接收无穷无尽的任务?


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c# - 使用任务和阻塞集合来完成无休止的任务

我正在寻找从线路中读取数据并将其发送到函数以解析内容。由于消息 (xml) 的大小可能不同,我可以阅读整条消息、多条消息或消息部分。





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c# - blocking collection process n items at a time - continuing as soon as 1 is done

I have the following Scenario.

  1. I take 50 jobs from the database into a blocking collection.

  2. Each job is a long running one. (potentially could be). So I want to run them in a separate thread. (I know - it may be better to run them as Task.WhenAll and let the TPL figure it out - but I want to control how many runs simultaneously)

  3. Say I want to run 5 of them simultaneously (configurable)

  4. I create 5 tasks (TPL), one for each job and run them in parallel.

What I want to do is to pick up the next Job in the blocking collection as soon as one of the jobs from step 4 is complete and keep going until all 50 are done.

I am thinking of creating a Static blockingCollection and a TaskCompletionSource which will be invoked when a job is complete and then it can call the consumer again to pick one job at a time from the queue. I would also like to call async/await on each job - but that's on top of this - not sure if that has an impact on the approach.

Is this the right way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

Similar to this link, but catch is that I want to process the next Job as soon as one of the first N items are done. Not after all N are done.

Update :

Ok, I have this code snippet doing exactly what I want, if someone wants to use it later. As you can see below, 5 threads are created and each thread starts the next job when it is done with current. Only 5 threads are active at any given time. I understand this may not work 100% like this always, and will have performance issues of context switching if used with one cpu/core.

Job 2 started on thread :13. wait time:3600000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:43 PM

Job 4 started on thread :14. wait time:15000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:43 PM

Job 0 started on thread :7. wait time:600000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:43 PM

Job 1 started on thread :12. wait time:900000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:43 PM

Job 3 started on thread :11. wait time:120000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:43 PM

job 4 finished on thread :14. 8/29/2014 3:14:58 PM

Job 5 started on thread :14. wait time:1800000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:14:58 PM

job 3 finished on thread :11. 8/29/2014 3:16:43 PM

Job 6 started on thread :11. wait time:1200000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:16:43 PM

job 0 finished on thread :7. 8/29/2014 3:24:43 PM

Job 7 started on thread :7. wait time:30000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:24:43 PM

job 7 finished on thread :7. 8/29/2014 3:25:13 PM

Job 8 started on thread :7. wait time:100000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:25:13 PM

job 8 finished on thread :7. 8/29/2014 3:26:53 PM

Job 9 started on thread :7. wait time:900000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:26:53 PM

job 1 finished on thread :12. 8/29/2014 3:29:43 PM

Job 10 started on thread :12. wait time:300000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:29:43 PM

job 10 finished on thread :12. 8/29/2014 3:34:43 PM

Job 11 started on thread :12. wait time:600000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:34:43 PM

job 6 finished on thread :11. 8/29/2014 3:36:43 PM

Job 12 started on thread :11. wait time:300000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:36:43 PM

job 12 finished on thread :11. 8/29/2014 3:41:43 PM

Job 13 started on thread :11. wait time:100000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:41:43 PM

job 9 finished on thread :7. 8/29/2014 3:41:53 PM

Job 14 started on thread :7. wait time:300000ms. Time:8/29/2014 3:41:53 PM

job 13 finished on thread :11. 8/29/2014 3:43:23 PM

job 11 finished on thread :12. 8/29/2014 3:44:43 PM

job 5 finished on thread :14. 8/29/2014 3:44:58 PM

job 14 finished on thread :7. 8/29/2014 3:46:53 PM

job 2 finished on thread :13. 8/29/2014 4:14:43 PM