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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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refactoring - JetBrains 使用缩进注释代码块的设置

我的 JetBrains 产品有问题,它不能正确注释代码块Ctrl + Shift + /





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blockchain - 比特币 SV 测试网节点实施需要多少磁盘空间?

我想创建比特币 SV 节点,但不确定它需要多少磁盘空间。


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java - 有没有办法在 Kotlin 类的块注释中指定 XML 文件?

我想不出在 Kotlin 类的块注释中提及 XML 文件的方法。我知道可以标记一个类或函数,但是 Android 项目中的 XML 文件呢?

像这样的东西,其中 nav_graph.xml 是要标记的文件:

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editor - 如何在内置 MobaXterm 编辑器中注释或取消注释多行?

我想在 MobaTextEditor 中阻止评论。




我不知道为什么,但关于这个编辑器的信息似乎难以捉摸,在他们的网站上,它的整个简介是“ MobaXterm includes everything you need to edit text files: vi on command line, nedit for a graphical editor or MobaTextEditor which is a light but powerful editor for developers with textdiff utilities.


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c++ - How do I stop Visual Studio 2019 from automatically inserting asterisk during a block comment in C++?

When using Visual Studio 2019, when I hit enter within a block comment in a C++ file it adds a leading * . I've found a solution to this problem for C# at How do I stop Visual Studio from automatically inserting asterisk during a block comment? but the same option is not present for C++ and changing the C# option doesn't disable the feature for C++. This does not occur with Visual Studio 2017.

So when I have:

and I hit enter I want it to look like:

but instead I get

Is there an option somewhere that disables this behavior or another way to do so?