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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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go - 拨打 jsonrpc 连接到比特币

给我以下错误: dial tcp user:pass@localhost:8332: too many colons in address user:pass@localhost:8332

如何验证我的 rpc 连接?

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php - Bitcoin api not dependant on a running bitcoin daemon?

I'm trying to get a bitcoin-centric website going, and I need to be able to perform the following actions without having a bitcoin daemon running on any server due to limitations in place by my host:

  1. Create a new bitcoin address (getnewaddress($account))
  2. Receive coins at that address; determine how much was received (getreceivedbyaccount($account, $minconf=1))
  3. Send coins to an address (sendfrom($fromaccount, $tobitcoinaddress, $amount, $minconf=1, $comment="", $comment-to=""))

These are all functions that exist within the existing json-rpc php client, but all of which depend on a running bitcoin daemon on a server.

I did read through the "lazy api" stuff as well, but I would rather not depend on another service to get the block data or send the bitcoins.

tl;dr: I need a version of the bitcoin php api which does not need the daemon running, with at a bare minimum the functions described above.

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opencl - OSX Lion 下的 OpenCL 性能

我有使用 OpenCL 内核的比特币矿工。ATI SDK 的 Windows 和 Linux 实现具有相当的性能,而 Apple 的本机 OpenCL 实现的性能太差了。我想知道我是否可以以某种方式分析 opencl 内核以针对 Lion 的 OpenCL 实现进行优化

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google-app-engine - Http-TCP/IP 代理编程

我需要创建一个服务器,它将以 http 请求(Google App Engine)的形式接收加密/签名消息,解密它/检查签名,并通过 TCP/IP 连接(比特币网络)发送它。此外,它需要反向执行相同的操作 - 接收 TCP/IP 消息,对其进行加密/签名,然后将它们作为 http 请求发送。我打算将服务器放在 EC2 上。


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java - 获取大整数的字符串表示并将其转换为 Java 中的字节数组

基本上,我的问题是双重的,特别是指比特币 RPC。我正在用 Java 为莱特币(BTC 的衍生产品)编写一个矿工,需要一个如下所示的字符串:




我查看了 org.apache 中的 Hex 类、String.toByte() 和一段代码,如下所示:



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web-services - 如何从 MtGox 提取美元到 dwolla?

我正在尝试使用以下 API将美元从 MtGox 提取到 DWOLLA。我已经成功实现的代码处理了身份验证。从文章来看,在我看来,我需要发布类似的内容:



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github - 你如何分叉一个你已经分叉的上游仓库?

我想分叉 namecoin/namecoin,但我已经分叉了比特币/比特币。后者是前者的上游父代。分叉链是:

比特币/比特币 -> vinced/namecoin -> namecoin/namecoin

当我分叉 namecoin/namecoin 时,Github 只是将我重定向到我的 myuserid/bitcoin 分叉,而不是创建一个新的 myuserid/namecoin 分叉。在 Github 看来,它们是同一个项目,但它们不是。


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google-chrome - Chrome 扩展:比特币钱包

是否可以制作一个 chrome 扩展来维护比特币钱包,同时还可以让网上商店轻松集成一键式购买体验。

假设点击网页上的按钮。是否有可能触发对 chrome 扩展的函数调用以发送比特币?

显然,永远不会设计让网页无限制地访问 chrome 扩展。但是有什么方法可以安全地完成这项工作吗?

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bitcoin - 查看国外比特币交易



如何使用比特币 API 查看交易?

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php - JSON-RPC PHP cannot connect to local bitcoind server

I try to follow this PHP developer intro for bitcoin https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/PHP_developer_intro

I make this steps on virtual dedicated server and everything works fine. But when I tried to perform the same steps on my virtual machine with OS fedora 14, the example from the article gives me an error:

the code is:

when I execute ./bitcoind getbalance or ./bitcoind getinfo in command line, I get answer, but php script doesn't work.

netstat gives me the following:


What should I check?