问题标签 [bem]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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less - 插入类名并在 LESS 中扩展以供 BEM 使用

我喜欢在我的 css 中使用 BEM,并且我喜欢通过extend()LESS 的功能应用修饰符。





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css - BEM CSS 继承?

我正在开发一个大型网站。我们正在考虑以 BEM 样式编写 CSS,但不确定这是否真的是一个好习惯。CSS 都是关于继承的,但我在 BEM 中看不到这一点。例如:


第二个示例中的 .btn 可以从全局 .btn 类继承,但 .toolbar-btn 类不会继承这些默认属性。所以你最终会写很多重复的属性。如果 BEM 不继承属性,为什么人们说它完全可以重用?编辑:我们尽量避免使用扩展功能。

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html - 我使用 BEM 方法对吗?

我想知道我的代码是否正确使用了 BEM。我不知道是否必须更改类form__label--closeform__input--close某种js-is-closed类,因为单击元素时,该类会被 javascript 删除。

这是我的 HTML 代码:

还有我的 Codepen 链接:http ://codepen.io/koban/pen/rVgxpq

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sass - Sass BEM:当元素在修饰符内时避免修饰符重复



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html - CSS中的BEM概念

我最近玩过 BEM 语法,我对 BEM 元素感到困惑。


所以你可以看到我使用.header__logoand.header__login和里面.header__login我使用了单独的 block .login__email

所以我的问题是我是否正确使用 BEM 概念,或者我的课程应该读成这样:

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bem - 重复块的包装器的 BEM 命名

我不确定命名我的 BEM 块的最佳方式,它们需要一个包装器。例如,给定以下标记:



那么,我们如何在 BEM中处理子元素也是 wrappers 的 wrappers呢?

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css - 适用于所有不同 UL 用途的 CSS 样式


最初,我为我的ulli标签定义了一个基本样式规则,用于处理所见即所得文本的通用文本块中的项目符号。我正在使用 BEM,所以我想我只需将一个类添加到任何ul具有不同角色的类(例如菜单或新闻缩略图列表等


我正在使用 BEM,所以我真的不想使用后代选择器,尤其是元素选择器,但我意识到当我无法访问ul/li标记时我可能需要这样做。

任何建议都将不胜感激 - 特别是在基本/休息规则方面,因为我ul/li在很多网站上都有列表,并且一劳永逸地想要掌握这个问题。


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css - 用 bem 命名导航下拉菜单

这是用 bem 命名下拉菜单的最佳方法?使用儿童 nav-main__sub 或修饰符 nav-main--sub ??

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html - 正如在 BEM 方法中,Nativity 元素嵌套在元素中更好

正如在 BEM 方法中更好的 Nativity 元素嵌套在元素中一样

我有一个块.product-list,它有元素.product-list__wrapper-img,里面有一张图片<img src="./images/mini-cart/1.jpg"> 对我放置的块进行样式化


但是什么时候给 img 类设置样式,以及是否在 BEM 中,成为元素中的元素。我知道修饰符可以,但我知道的元素。我想我需要给这张照片打电话, .product-list__img也许 .product-list__wrapper-img__img 我会很高兴在这件事上有任何帮助。

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html - What is considered to be "independent" in BEM?

Sometime ago I got interested in BEM methodology and tried to use it in my projects. I probably used some modified version of it, so my css looks like this:

.block for blocks

.block__element for elements

.block--modifier and .block__element--modifier for block and element modifiers.

I do not use elements within elements, so I have .block__element-two instead of .block__element-one__element-two.

It all seems pretty convenient, but I still don't get some key principles of it. For example, what should be considered as "independent entity"?

Let's say we have three different blocks with headers, with the headers keeping the same set of rules. As we use these headers all around the page, and probably on some other pages, they seem to be independent. So we can create a block for them and use it every time. And in this case we write the rules only once.

Demo for header as a block:


But at the same time we see that all the headers are children of some parent blocks, so they depend on them. Then we can consider them as elements and therefore give them separate names. In this case we will have to duplicate the same css for three times.

Demo for headers as elements:


So what approach should I choose? Is there any way to clearly identify things as independent blocks or dependent elements?

UPD Today I asked similar question on the BEM forum and learned about mixes.


In BEM, mix is used when you need to blend two entities together. As I understand, it means that the same thing can be a block and an element simultaneously. So, in my case, we can combine an element with a block, an it will look like this:


Formally all the headers remain elements, but all their css rules are set in the .header block. We mix the entities together.

It probably means that header element classes in html will remain useless, as we have the .header block for all the rules we need. I don't know, if it's a normal practice, but anyway, mixes make it all much easier.