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continuous-integration - 授予多阶段计划独家访问权,直到完成

我们在 Bamboo 中有三个项目,每个项目都有一个或两个活动计划,具体取决于我们离发布的距离有多近。我已将计划分成多个阶段以提供更大的灵活性,并且禁用了并发构建。


这会导致两个构建运行速度变慢,并破坏了我们将作业分成阶段的目标之一。有没有办法让一个计划独占访问直到它完成,然后运行队列中的下一个计划?换句话说,我可以将 Bamboo 配置为在计划级别将多个阶段视为单个阶段吗?

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continuous-integration - 是否可以在单台计算机上为 Atlassian Bamboo 安装多个远程代理?

我们公司生产跨平台软件,我们有 Bamboo 实例,可以在各种不兼容的环境(linux、win、os x)下构建项目。每个环境下都配置了一个用于构建的 VM。那么是否可以在每个 VM 上运行多个远程代理来执行不同项目的并发构建?

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selenium - Testlink 和 Selenium 2

我正在尝试从一组 Selenium 2 测试脚本中生成测试用例,这些脚本的格式设置为 TestLink 可以导入的方式。

本质上,我只有大量的 Selenium 测试方法,可以在竹子中生成报告,我想要一种方法让 TestLink 吃掉这些方法,这样我们就不必手动输入所有测试用例。


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java - 禁止maven deploy的上传消息

我们正在使用 Bamboo 进行持续集成,并通过一个简单的mvn deploy语句将成功的测试部署到我们的快照存储库。不幸的是,这会产生数千行这样的:

这出现在 Bamboo 中:

因此,可以下载完整的日志,但其中充满了上传消息。是否可以抑制上面的行mvn deploy并只输出摘要?

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java - Maven 构建在 Bamboo 上

在 Bamboo (Atlassian Build Server) 上创建计划时遇到以下错误。该项目在本地构建,并且配置与其他工作项目相同。如果有人有线索,将不胜感激。

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java - Building and deploying on a remote windows server using Bamboo

I'm hoping people might be kind enough to point me in the right direction with a Bamboo query I have, please.

The company I'm at has an existing Bamboo CI server that's running quite successfully (despite being an old version - 2.6) and I need to set up a new build. The two people who've done almost all of the previous Bamboo work have now left, and so I don't really have anyone internally to turn to for advice.

I was hoping I could describe the manual process, and then have someone suggest the best way to automate this.

Manual process (all on the Windows deployment server):

  1. Run "svn update --force" on six separate working directories, which in turn use two separate Subversion repositories
  2. Run "mvn clean install" on all six directories, with one of them needing an extra -Duser.timezone parameter passed in, and which sometimes needs running two or three times before it builds successfully
  3. Run a "DeployLocal.bat" batch file
  4. Start two JBOSS instances, by executing their "bin\run.bat" startup files

The batch file itself can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Do a Maven build of some of the projects (yes, redundant after the above)
  2. Copy some build subdirectories to the deployment server location
  3. Set up self-signed SSL certificates and keystores for the deployment servers
  4. Copy lots more files into the right place in the deployment server directories

I'm not sure how this best works with our Bamboo server. I started creating a new plan, but when it asked which repository to use (we're using two servers and six repositories) I started to get mightily confused!

If I understand correctly - which I may not - I believe that the normal thing to do would be to do all the building on the Bamboo server and then move files to the right place on the servers, before calling some remote startup command. Is this what I need to do here?

Even if someone can point me to a good guide to Bamboo, I'd be very appreciative. If someone can explain the concepts briefly enough for me to understand what specifically I need to learn to achieve, then that'd be even better!!

Advice much appreciated :)

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bamboo - 竹墙板平面图顺序



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continuous-integration - 如何在 Bamboo 中找到当前工作目录?


当将代码推送到 Bamboo 时,一些测试失败了

我确实将 Bamboo 中的 EnvironmentVariable 设置为APP_HOME=.

然而,Bamboo 似乎仍然找不到该文件。请问我做错了什么?

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git - 如何在竹子构建期间仅检查 git 存储库的一部分?

我有一个竹子构建,需要访问一个大型 git 存储库的一小部分。为了节省时间和磁盘空间,我只想检查与构建相关的存储库部分。我已经知道浅结账。我想做的不止这些,并将结帐限制为一个文件夹(及其后代)。

我看到了这个选项,我认为这是我必须使用的,但我无法让它工作: 在此处输入图像描述


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bamboo - 如何在我的竹子构建中只运行一个阶段?

我有一个包含两个阶段的竹子构建:构建和测试和发布。竹子的工作方式,如果 Build&Test 失败,则不会运行 Publish。这通常是我想要的东西。

但是,有时,Build&Test 会失败,但我仍然希望 Publish 运行。通常,这是一个手动过程,即使测试失败,我也想按下一个按钮,以便我可以运行 Publish 阶段。
