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ssis - SSIS 平衡数据分配器 - 增加操作数量?
根据附件,我们在覆盖约 200 万行的数据转换中设置了平衡数据分配器。脚本任务是相同的——每个都打开到 oracle 的连接并首先执行删除然后执行插入。(这不相关,但由于 Ole DB 命令和 Oracle 的 Microsoft Ole DB 提供程序的参数问题,它是这样做的......)
我遇到的问题是,无论我的缓冲区有多大或我配置了多少并发执行,BDD 一次执行的并发进程都不会超过五个。
我在一个更大的缓冲区中拉回了数十万行,它只是被分成了 5 种方式。我已经在多台机器上试过这个——当前的镜头来自一个 16 核服务器,在包上配置了 -1 个并发执行——无论如何,它总是 5 个并行作业。
5 比 1 好,但有 250 万行要插入/更新,5 次并发执行时每秒 15 行并不比 1 并发执行时每秒 2-3 行好多少。
我可以强制 BDD 使用更多路径吗?如果可以,怎么做?
sql-server - SSIS Balanced Data Distributor - Processing one row at time
I need some help with the balanced data distributor parallelism feature.
I have an application that works as follows:
- Fetch data from the DB using an OLE DB Origin component
- Send to a balanced data distributor component to distribute the data found between many Script Components that will perform some business logic on each row.
This was working well until recently when I've needed to perform a server migration of the application and for some reason the parallelism feature of the application stopped working and instead of using all the destinations, the balanced data distributor is sending data to only one.
I'm not sure where the problem would be and I've already searched the internet for answers but I've could not find a good lead on my issue.
Did someone already came across such problem? Or have an idea of what the problem could be and would shed some light?
BTW, I don't know if it's of any value but I've set the "AutoAdjustBufferSize" to true
PS. Sorry if I misspelled any word. English is not my main language.
sql-server - 平衡数据分发器安装错误
我正在使用 SQL Server 2014 SP3 x64 并且我已经安装了累积更新 1。我已经安装了 Visual Studio 2013 Professional 和 SQL Server Data Tools - Visual Studio 的商业智能并且它运行良好(我可以设计一个运行 SSIS 包而无需任何问题)。
我为以下 Microsoft 下载链接下载了 SSIS Balanced Data Distributor:
当我运行安装包(x64 和 x86 - 来自两个链接)时,我收到以下错误:
此 Windows 安装程序包有问题。作为安装的一部分运行的程序未按预期完成。联系您的支持人员或软件包供应商
我试图从 cmd 以管理员身份运行 .msi,但没有成功。(我是管理员成员)
我还检查了以下链接Problem in Installation the Balanced data Distributor for SSIS 2012,这几乎是相同的错误,但我认为这是一个不同的情况。