问题标签 [azure-industrial-iot]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
azure - Azure 工业物联网平台 Web 应用需要访问组织中只有管理员才能授予的资源的权限
我正在尝试使用 deploy.ps1 部署平台,它似乎可以工作,但我无法登录到工程工具 Web 应用程序。我收到以下消息:
my-test-iiot 需要访问组织中只有管理员才能授予的资源的权限。请先让管理员授予此应用程序的权限,然后才能使用它。
azure-iot-edge - OPC Publisher 和消息路由
IoT Edge 上的消息路由非常适合在将消息发送到 Azure 之前对其进行解析/过滤。从发布者到 $upstream(以及后来的另一个模块)的数据消息路由的输出路径是什么。
IoT 中心包含发布者连接的每台计算机的 Edge 设备和 IoT 设备。<- 这是正常设置吗?
部署的是带有标签 2.8.45 的图像(如果我没记错的话)。
opc-ua - OPC Publisher doesn't send data in order as in generated by OPC simulation server
I have been trying to retrieve sensor data generated by OPC simulation server (data listed in excel file and read by OPC simulation) in to one of the custom modules in Azure IOT Edge. When the data logged in the console it shows me that data has not been logged in order. Following is the JSON for OPC publisher hosted in iot edge as a module.
Following is the published nodes json in gateway device.
Following is the screenshot of my excel sheet data
But the OPC publisher will not route the data in to modules in order that starting from anywhere but in order .
For an example it sends starting from the row ,value 11 for Tag11 and then again sends the next row which has the value 17 for tag 11. And sometimes sends a batch of data. no proper order.
This is not a issue with OPC server simulation since i have tested Simulation server with a standalone OPC client and it gets the data in order. Excel is read by simulation server.
Following image is a screenshot of my IoT edge module(python) where i log the data to console retrieving from OPC Publisher routing.
Appreciate any help on this.
Thanks a lot.
azure-iot-hub - 如何检查 OPC Publisher 和 IoT Hub 之间的日志以确认数据传输
我已经在我们的一台机器上设置了 IoT Edge,并安装了 OPC Publisher,并将其连接到我们的一台 opc-ua 服务器,然后将数据发送到 OPC Publisher,然后再发送到 IoT Hub。在过去的 10 天里,我们的 IoT 中心没有收到任何数据,今天我们突然收到了数据。我们如何解决过去 10 天的数据丢失的原因?