问题标签 [azure-devops-migration-tools]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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tfs - 将托管在 Azure 上的 TFS 迁移到本地



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vsts-sync-migrator - 您可以使用该工具持续同步项目积压工作吗?

我正在研究一种场景,我需要将一个项目中的部分积压工作不断地同步到另一个项目。在第一次迁移完成后,我看不到比较源和目标 WI 并同步它们的处理器。



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git - 我尝试迁移 Azure Devops 中的一个工作项,该工作项具有指向 git 存储库中分支的链接,但该链接没有被迁移

我目前正在学习如何将项目从一个集合迁移到另一个集合,并且我正在使用 VSTS-Sync Migrator 工具来完成这项工作。

我有一个工作项,它有一个指向仓库中分支的链接(它不是指向 git 提交的链接),并且在运行迁移器工具/脚本后,目标项目中的相同工作项包含除 git 分支链接之外的所有内容.

-> 我确保在迁移工作项之前迁移代码。

-> 我可以在迁移的工作项中手动附加相同的链接。

-> PAT 令牌具有完全访问权限

我附上了以下问题的图片,上次我在 StackOverflow 上提出问题时,图片没有出现,所以我还将添加每张图片的描述。

IMG 1:这是来自迁移脚本的警告消息。它说:

IMG 2:这是迁移的工作项,在“开发”下,它显示带有以下消息的感叹号:

IMG 3:这是源头的工作项。




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vsts-sync-migrator - vsts-sync-migrator:不包括构建链接的迁移

我使用azure-devops-migration-tools工具 v8.9.2将项目从 Azure DevOps 迁移到 Azure DevOps 。




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azure-devops - 迁移 Azure DevOps 数据时,如何解决 ReflectedWorkItemId 的 TF51005?

我正在尝试将项目从一个组织项目迁移到另一个项目。从源 Azure Devops 项目到目标 DEvops 项目。

ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName: 应该是什么?






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vsts-sync-migrator - Need to moved the closed work items between two AzureDevops Organization

By using VstsSyncMigrator Tool, I have successfully migrated the work items from one Azure Devops organization to another ( Agile based process). In my case all the open work items are migrated rather than the closed one. But I need to migrate the closed one also. How could I do with the same (migrate the closed work items)?

Below is my Json file. How can I do the migrate of closed work items?

Migrated from: https://github.com/nkdAgility/azure-devops-migration-tools/issues/499

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vsts-sync-migrator - How to prevent Save Exception in Work Items?

Version 8.9.2 - when I run an Azure DevOps to Azure DevOps migration using base Scrum process (modified with inherited process that adds ReflectedWorkItemId to WITs), I observe save exceptions for a small percentage of the work-items during migration. After migration, I find empty work-items created with no title. Example:

(SessionID: 5c74594c-ad96-4d2c-a056-8aec8e35e9f8)

I have reproduced this error using the following steps: 1. Setup modified/inherited Scrum process "Migration" with "ReflectedWorkItemId" added to appropriate WITs on two separate Azure DevOps organizations 2. Setup source and target Projects "Migration test 2" using the Migration process configured in (1) 3. Create and save Product Backlog Item WIT in source project with Title "Test Changing PBI to Task" 4. Change type of WIT just created to type Task. Resolve State field issue by changing from "New" to "To Do" and save 5. Setup configuration.json configuration based on default ("init") generated json w/ typical modifications per video (empty field maps, etc.). Enable iteration processor and WIT processor. Modify QueryBit for WIT processor to exclude only Test Suite and Test Plan WITs. Set ReplayRevisions to true. 6. Run migration (on the one WIT created and modified in (2) and (3)). Error reproduced:

(SessionID: 6984b357-03ec-401d-ba03-7d43c84c4c6e)

Migrated from: https://github.com/nkdAgility/azure-devops-migration-tools/issues/485

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azure-devops - 不适用于测试计划测试套件和测试用例链接






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azure-devops-migration-tools - 这可以从 Azure Devops 迁移到 TFS 环境吗?

这听起来可能有点倒退,但我们需要将史诗般的 Azure Devops 项目、用户存储任务等以及所有现有的评论、链接和依赖项移动到 TFS 环境,这个工具可以做到吗?

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azure-devops-migration-tools - TFS wok items 迁移到 DevOps 的问题

当项目名称与 TFS 不同时,您好面对项目未找到问题。我在 TFS 项目集合中有项目,我想使用迁移工具将数据迁移到 Devops。

TFS 链接 https://Server/tfs/DefaultCollection/StudentData

DevOps https://dev.azure.com/DevOps/**Studentmanagement* *


"QueryBit": "AND ([System.IterationPath]='StudentData\Release 4.7.0' OR [System.IterationPath]='StudentData\Release 4.7.1') AND [System.State]<>'Removed'",
