问题标签 [azure-cloud-services]
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azure - Azure SDK v2.4 中缺少 CloudConfigurationManager?
有人可以帮我弄清楚 Azure SDK v2.4 中 CloudConfigurationManager 的位置吗?
CloudConfigurationManager,在 v2.3 SDK 中,位于:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure.NET SDK\v2.3\ref\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll
2.4 SDK 位于 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure.NET SDK\v2.4
并且该目录中没有这样的 Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll ..
MSDN 仍然在 Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dl 中显示 CloudConfigurationManager:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/microsoft.windowsazure.cloudconfigurationmanager.aspx
所以我可以让我的项目编译的唯一方法是如果我同时安装了 2.3 和 2.4 SDK。
azure - 将多个 SCORM 网站/包(迷你网站)上传到现有 Azure 网站
我们有一个解决方案,允许我们的客户上传 SCORM ( http://scorm.com/scorm-explained/ ) 包,这些包基本上是迷你网站,只是 html 页面和预定义的 javascript 界面,允许包与我们的网站对话。这一切都在自托管的 IIS 机器上运行良好,因为我们在网站根目录中建立了每个 SCORM 模块的文件夹结构,并且可以允许用户打开每个模块并完成课程。
但是,它们可能非常大,包含多个视频等,并且在自托管机器上时,我们可以将站点放在大硬盘驱动器上,如果我们想将解决方案迁移到天蓝色云服务,这将如何工作。我在几个地方读过该站点必须是无状态的,并且可以随时重新映像 VM,这是否意味着我们不应该在文件夹结构中存储不属于原始包的任何内容?有没有办法为我们的网站配置一个共享的永久文件夹以供使用?
azure - 您在 portal.azure.com 中的何处管理 Web 和辅助角色?
在新门户 (portal.azure.com) 中,您在哪里管理 azure web 和辅助角色?
asp.net-mvc - WebSite Not Running In Azure Locally
EDIT: Running Visual Studio as an administrator fixes the problem below but can someone explain why I need to run as an administrator in order to run the web site in the Azure emulator?
We are in the process of migrating our site to Windows Azure, I have created a cloud service and added the website as a web role and when I try to start the cloud service project in debug it won't start and in the output it says:
And in the bottom left corner it says "Operation Cancelled". I can't seem to find any reason why this is happening, if I create a blank asp.net mvc website it works fine so there must be something in our application that is causing it to bomb like this, does anyone have any idea how to go about tracking this issue down?
I only get a second to look at the emulator output but it says:
I found the following entries in waHostBootstrapper.log
Looking in the logs at \AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources{guid}\directory\DiagnosticStore there are errors in the WaIISHost.log which are:
WaIISHost Information: 0 : [00006516:00000001, 2014/09/14 06:43:23.994, ERROR] Exception:System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. (Fault Detail is equal to An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. at System.Security.AccessControl.Win32.SetSecurityInfo(ResourceType type, String name, SafeHandle handle, SecurityInfos securityInformation, SecurityIdentifier owner, SecurityIdentifier group, GenericAcl sacl, GenericAcl dacl)
security - Azure 云服务的反恶意软件
我知道有办法为 Azure VM 启用反恶意软件,如下所示:
Azure 云服务上运行着一个辅助角色。该组织有一个在机器上安装反恶意软件的安全规则。
azure - Mercurial.NET 不会从存储库克隆指定文件
我有一个可以从 Bitbucket/Mercurial 存储库克隆的 Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Worker Role 应用程序。成功验证后,我开始通过 SSH 从存储库克隆。
我为 Timeout 选择了一个非常大的数字,因为存储库的大小最小约为 100-150 MB(它包含一个 Orchard 源)。
代码工作正常,Mercurial.NET 开始将存储库的内容克隆到光盘。
比在某一时刻(如您在 Visual c++ 2008 文件的图片中看到的那样)事务中止。
azure - Azure 和站点到站点 VPN
我计划使用站点到站点连接启用 Azure 云服务和本地环境连接。
asp.net-mvc - How do I call Web API from MVC without latency?
I'm thinking about moving my DAL which uses DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage to a separate Web API and host it as a cloud service on Azure.
The primary purpose of doing this is to make sure that I keep a high performance DAL that can scale up easily and independently of my front-end application -- currently ASP.NET MVC 5 running as a cloud service on Azure but I'll definitely add mobile apps as well. With DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage, I'm finding myself doing a lot of data handling in my C# code, therefore, I think it would be a good idea to keep that separate from my front-end application.
However, I'm very concerned about latency issues introduced by HTTP calls from one cloud service to another which would defeat the purpose of separating DAL into its own application/cloud service.
What is the best way to separate my DAL from my front-end application without introducing any latency issues?
c# - Azure:在不定义额外配置的情况下获取服务证书
我想摆脱 MyCertThumbprint 配置。是否有 Azure API 可以让我访问 MyCert 的指纹?或者可能是 X509Certificate2 实例本身(即无需使用 X509Store 搜索它)?
c# - 将 Azure 云服务添加到现有项目
我需要添加 azure 云服务来发送电子邮件。这是如何做到这一点的示例http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sendgrid-dotnet-how-to-send-email。
但我有一个问题 - 我需要使用 Asp.Net Role 和 Worker Role 创建 Azure 服务,还是我可以只使用 Worker Role 来提供服务?仅用于 UI 的 Asp.Net 角色?