问题标签 [azure-ad-graph-api]

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c# - How can I use the Azure AD without single-sign-on

Basically I'm implementing an SSO for an employee portal that I'm making for us, but I'd also like to be able to access the graph API (At the least, the AzureAD REST API items, like adding/removing/getting users information) without having to be signed in through an SSO.

This way, I can use what I'm thinking to be some kind of API key/secret sort of setup and schedule cron jobs that interact with the AD in some way. Technically I could signin and set my account to be the one running this, but that seems kind of hacky and unreliable (as in, if something happens to my account, password expires, changes, etc... then the refresh token will no longer be valid and I'll have to sign in again and the task could be temporarily broken.)

I could have sworn I've seen documentation for this somewhere when I was looking into implementing this a few months ago, but I can't for the life of me find it now.

Really hope this isn't a duplicate, I just can't think of wording to search for that doesn't keep coming up with SSO-based API information.

Update - Alright, it looks like I figured this out (with the help of Shaun Luttin's answer posted below: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32618417/3721165 [link for convenience])

So, all of the info Shaun brought together was really helpful. Initially the docs were fairly confusing due to how they word things, as well as the complexity of some of their examples. But once I got to digging through some of the examples, plus some of the info Shaun provided, and some experimenting/research on my own, I was able to come up with this (basic demo/concept):

I found through further research that in order to use the Graph API the way I'm intending, you have to provide the graph resource URL (https://graph.windows.net) to the AquireToken method, instead of your app ID/URL.

So, I'm accepting Shaun's answer, but I also wanted to give my working result of that answer.

Thanks for the help, guys!

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rest - 使用图形 api 在 Azure AD 上创建用户失败,错误代码为 415

我正在尝试使用图形创建新的 Azure AD 用户,使用的 Http reqeuste url 在下面给出,

请求类型是“ POST ”请求正文看起来像


在执行上述请求时,我得到响应代码 415,我猜这是因为Content-Type。我已经尝试过各种 Content-Type 组合application/json;odata=minimalmetadataapplication/json;odata=verbose但它仍然返回响应 415。我在标题中遗漏了什么吗?当我通过 POSTMAN 尝试相同的请求时,它正在工作,但如果我使用 java 应用程序做同样的事情,它就会失败。

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azure - “我”的 Azure AD Graph API 管理器始终为空


下面你会看到读取“Me”对象的函数的代码片段。我已经在 Azure AD 的帐户中设置了 Manager 并仔细检查了。

尽管我可以在 Azure 管理门户中查看管理器对象,但它始终为空。


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azure - Windows Azure AD Graph API,检查用户是否为共享邮箱

使用 Windows Azure AD Graph REST API,特别是users端点,有没有办法检查返回的用户是否是 Office365 中的共享邮箱?

使用 powershell commandlet 时,Get-MsolUser这显然可以通过CloudExchangeRecipientDisplayType属性进行检查,但这似乎从 REST API 中消失了。这是通过 REST API 以某种方式公开的,还是有其他方法可以获取该信息?

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azure - 针对 Azure AD 运行差异查询时出现 Directory_BindingRedirection 错误

我有一个对 Azure AD 执行查询的应用程序。为用户运行沼泽标准 GET 可以完美运行:



这篇文章表明这​​可能是 AzureAD 的问题,而不是应该编码的预期错误情况 - 是这种情况,还是应该按照其中包含的说明处理此错误..?

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azure - 如何从 Azure Graph API 获取基于用户的令牌

我有一个 Azure Active Directory,在我的 Web Api 中有一段代码,我可以使用我在 Azure 中注册的应用程序和客户端证书从 Azure Graph Api 获取令牌。这是我现在使用的代码:

这段代码工作得很好,现在我需要的是一个更具体的令牌,它具有登录用户的上下文,所以基本上我需要能够传入用户名和密码并从 Azure 获取一个 Graph 令牌。有任何想法吗?

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c# - 反序列化 OData.Error 消息

我有一个使用 Azure AD Graph API 的 ASP.NET 应用程序。通常,当对 Graph API 执行无效操作时,会引发异常。

以下代码显示了会触发异常的无效 Graph API 调用:

内部异常的消息是一个 JSON 字符串,每个引号前带有正斜杠。它看起来像这样:

附上发现异常消息的 Locals 窗口的屏幕截图: 异常详情

我想将此 JSON 转换为 .NET 对象以返回信息丰富的错误详细信息。我为此使用了 JSON.NET 库,并且我假设 JSON 将反序列化为一个ODataError对象:


话虽如此,上面的 JSON 字符串应该映射到什么类?另外,我应该从字符串中删除正斜杠以进行正确的反序列化吗?

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powershell - Azure AD - Custom Application Roles via Powershell

I've been playing with RBAC in Azure AD, in particular custom application roles.

It all works well, but is a bit manual, i.e. downloading, editing and uploading the manifest and then assigning each user/group to one of these roles via the management portal.

Is there a way to do that via powershell or even code, say the Graph API?

If not, I presume it's a planned feature, so does anyone know a the likely ETA?

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asp.net-mvc - 在使用应用程序标识访问 Azure Graph API 时,是否可以使用 Azure AD 用户进行授权?

我有一个 ASP.NET MVC 4.6 应用程序,我希望能够使用应用程序标识来提供对幕后 Azure Graph API 的访问,但我想使用 Azure AD 用户对我的应用程序进行身份验证和授权。

最终目标是能够让用户最初使用 Google、Facebook 进行注册,或输入他们自己的用户名。在此注册期间,我的应用程序将利用 Graph API 在幕后创建 Azure AD 用户。

注册后,如果用户使用 Google、Facebook 或他们自己的用户名登录,它将查找 Azure AD 用户以检索组或角色。


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azure - Office 365 Azure AD:如何获取 AD 组的成员

我使用图形 API 在 Azure AD 中获取一个组。通过显示名称获取组后,我想获取该组的成员。但在回复中我没有看到任何成员,我只看到我提出查询的同一组。我究竟做错了什么?




