问题标签 [avcapturemoviefileoutput]

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ios - ios8 的 AVCaptureSession addInput 问题

我有一个带有 AVCaptureSession 的应用程序,它可以在以前的 iOS 版本中正常工作,但后来我尝试在带有 ios8 的设备上运行它,应用程序偶尔崩溃。但问题没有解决。进入“[session addInput:input];”的异常 . 请指教如何解决。请验证我的以下代码,我在 [session addInput:input] 中遇到错误;

打印错误描述:Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11852 "Cannot use Back Camera" UserInfo=0x17c076e0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot use Back Camera, AVErrorDeviceKey=, NSLocalizedFailureReason=This app is not authorized to use Back Camera.}

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ios - IOS 将 UIProgressView 添加到 AVFoundation AVCaptureMovieFileOutput


我将最大持续时间设置为 15 秒:


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ios - IOS8:录制到文件并使用 AVCaptureSession/commitConfiguration 时相机预览闪烁


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ios - iOS 8 iPad AVCaptureMovieFileOutput 在 13 - 14 秒的录制后丢失/丢失/永远不会获得音轨

我有以下适用于 iOS 6 和 7.x 的代码。

在 iOS 8.1 中,我有一个奇怪的问题,如果您捕获一个会话大约 13 秒或更长时间,生成的 AVAsset 只有 1 个轨道(视频),而音轨不存在。

如果您录制的时间较短,则 AVAsset 有 2 个轨道(视频和音频),如预期的那样。我有足够的磁盘空间,该应用程序有权使用摄像头和麦克风。



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ios - iPhone 上的视频录制失败,但可以在 iPod Touch 和 iPad 上使用

场景如下:如果我同时(异步)执行视频录制和视频编辑操作,则这两个操作之一会失败。同一段代码在 iPod Touch 上完美运行,但在 iPhone 上却失败了。


这是用于视频录制的控制器类的代码 (CamViewController.h/.m):

注意:CamViewController课程的灵感来自 Apple 的AVCam示例项目。

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ios - 如何在 iOS 中为 AvcaptureSession 设置 videoMaximumDuration

我正在使用 AVCaptureSession 录制视频。但我无法设置最大视频长度。如果我使用 ImagePicker 控制器,则有一种方法用于设置最大视频持续时间,如 videoMaximumDuration 。但在 AVCaptureSession 中,我如何设置 MaximumDuration 。请帮助我..提前谢谢

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objective-c - 使用 AVFoundation 录制多个屏幕时出错


我将两个屏幕都保存到两个单独的文件中。但是,在为辅助监视器(即第二次循环)调用 startRecordingToOutputFileURL API 时,我收到如下所示的错误:

VTCompressionSessionCreate 在 /SourceCache/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1562.19/Sources/VideoToolbox/VTCompressionSession.c 第 897 行发出 err=-8973 (err) (VTVideoEncoderStartSession failed)





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ios - 如何减小使用 AVCaptureSession 创建的 .mov 视频的文件大小?


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ios - 非常快速的视频捕获(与 AVCaptureMovieFileOutput 相比)?

我正在开发类似于 Vine 或 Instagram 的视频捕获应用程序。这使用户可以按住录制,释放触摸暂停,然后通过触摸再次继续。




问题:根据我的日志,似乎在0.054着陆后至少需要几秒钟才能真正开始录制。0.050这意味着不会捕获持续大约几秒钟的非常快速的点击,因为在实际开始之前MovieFileOutput会被告知。stopRecording它可能看起来微不足道,但 Vine 能够捕捉并记录这些敲击声。


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ios - Can't call startRecordingToOutputFileURL more than once on instance of AVCaptureMovieFileOutput

I am currently testing on iOS 8, on an iPhone 6. I am calling these APIs from Swift.

I'm trying to figure out why I can't call startRecordingToOutputFileURL more than once on a single instance of AVCaptureMovieFileOutput.

  • I am calling stopRecording before I call startRecordingToOutputFileURL again.
  • I am deleting the temporary video file before calling startRecordingToOutputFileURL.

The first time that I call startRecordingToOutputFileURL, the didStartRecordingToOutputFileAtURL delegate callback is fired. When I call stopRecording, the didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL callback is fired.

After this, I delete the temporary file.

Then, when I call startRecordingToOutputFileURL the next time, the delegate callback is not fired. And when I call stopRecording a second time, the "finished" callback is not fired either.

The Apple docs for startRecordingToOutputFileURL say the following:

In iOS, this frame accurate file switching is not supported. You must call stopRecording before calling this method again to avoid any errors.

However, I am calling stopRecording before calling it again, and it is not working.

My current workaround is to remove the AVCaptureMovieFileOutput connection, initialize a new instance of AVCaptureMovieFileOutput, and then set up a new connection. This is terrible, because it takes a long time and freezes the video preview.

Please let me know if you know why this is happening, and if there is a fix.

UPDATE: I just noticed that if I toggle my AVCaptureSession sessionPreset to AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto and then back to AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh, then I can start capturing video again.

UPDATE 2: Here's another way I can fix the problem:

UPDATE 3: It turns out that this seems to be related to some code that captures the volume buttons - JPSVolumeButtonHandler. It doesn't happen when I comment out the code that starts JPSVolumeButtonHandler.