问题标签 [auto-compile]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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asp.net - 可以关闭 App_Code 自动编译吗?

使用 Visual Studio(我使用的是 2008)我开始注意到,当您将文件保存在 /App_Code 文件夹中时,程序会在返回控制权之前挂起一段时间。经过一番研究,我了解到有一个自动编译功能在起作用,我认为这是减慢系统速度的原因。


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java - eclipse 自动编译只创建包而不是类文件


这让我很难过。我唯一做的就是与 svn repo 同步,并且我使用了颠覆性插件

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c# - 自动编译和运行第三方代码

我目前正在编写一个自动源代码验证工具。基本上,学生必须上传他们的 C# 源代码文件作为不同任务的解决方案。服务器在一个框架内编译这些文件,并根据不同的输入文件检查程序。如果程序生成的输出是有效的(等于预定义的输出),则程序是有效的并且学生获得该程序的分数。




  • 文件访问
  • 最大限度。执行时间处理时间
  • 启动其他程序
  • 做网络的东西
  • 反射



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auto-compile - 如何让tamejs自动将所有.tjs文件编译成.js?

我对 tamejs 很感兴趣,想在我的项目中使用它。



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grails - Grails 自动编译不在开发环境中

我在称为“本地”的环境中运行 Grails 2.1,因为“开发”是为暂存系统保留的。但我想必须像在开发模式下那样自动编译,即如果我正在更改控制器,则更改将在一个不重新运行“run-app”的情况下编译。参数 grails.gsp.enable.reload=true 不起作用。



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asp.net-mvc - Entity Framework 5 installation verification

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 project using .NET framework 4.0 and LINQ to SQL. Because I have serious problems of performance with some queries the first time they are executed I decided to use Entity Framework 5 in order to take advantage of the new LINQ auto compiled feature.

Now I have installed VS 2012, .NET framework 4.5 and Entity Framework 5 and changed my project to point to the .NET framework 4.5 as well as updated my Data Context file to use EF5. The queries now have exactly the same performance, some of them are so slow at the first time execution that even I get a time out exception, the second time everything is fine, I am wondering if the problem is that maybe the migration process was not correct and I am using still the EF4 or it is just a problem of my query construction which can't use the auto compiled feature for an unknown reason.

The EntityFramework dll has the 5.0 version, and the System.Data.Entity dll the version 4, that is right, isn't? Any suggestions?

I include the most problematic query, it retrieves paginated the result for a grid (Telerik MVC grid) which I need to build through 2 queries (originally was a SQL sentence with a sub query):

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eclipse - 为什么 Eclipse 在保存基于 Maven 的 Web 应用程序时不会自动编译我的类?

我有一个基于 Maven 的 Web 应用程序。通常当我们在 Eclipse 中保存一个类时,它会被编译并保存在目标文件夹中的位置,如 \my_project\src-java\target\classes\com\st\modulename\controller\HomeController.class。

但是在这个 Maven Web 应用程序中它没有发生。我必须手动运行 mvn install 以便编译类并反映在位置 \my_project\src-java\target\classes\com\st\modulename\controller\HomeController.class 中。

我已经在其他一些 maven 应用程序中完成了这项工作,它按预期工作,但在这种情况下不是。在这种情况下可能是什么问题?

这是 pom.xml

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emacs - emacs function after asynchonous command

I currently use emacs for making and editing LaTeX documents. When compiling, I use an external program to compile into pdf. Right now, with the following code in my .emacs file, emacs will start compiling the document into a pdf whenever I save the file.

I prefer this over M-x compile, because I am more in the habit of saving, and it launches in the background, allowing me to continue working. However, I do not get a prominent notification when the compilation process finishes.

Ideally, I would want to run the following function whenever a compilation process finishes.

That way, I can have the color in the mode line automatically change depending on whether the compilation was successful or not. However, looking through the emacs documentation, I have not found any mention of a hook that gets run after async-shell-command completes. I know that there is the message in the minibuffer stating the exit status of the subprocess, but if I am typing at the time, it is often hard to notice.

Alternatively, I could wait for the shell command to complete, then change the color immediately. However, this then makes the entirety of emacs freeze while compiling, which is not desired.

How would I go about having this indication applied at the end of the compilation, without having emacs freeze during the process?

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grails - 从 2.1 升级到 2.2.4 后 Grails 自动编译中断


我最近将我们的 grails 项目从 2.1 版升级到 2.2.4 版,现在自动编译/重新加载已损坏 => 每次在 Controller/Services/Taglibs 中进行更改时,我都必须重新启动应用程序才能看到它们。

在这个线程中的控制台属性Grails autocompile not in development environment对我不起作用。我也对谷歌做了一些研究,但我找不到任何有帮助的东西。


编辑:感谢您到目前为止的帮助,我可以解决问题。我已将系统类路径更新为新 grails 版本的路径,现在它可以工作了:-)。这有点奇怪,因为在 Intellij Idea 中正确设置了 sdk。

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java - 如何确定程序是否以编程方式从文件或键盘获取输入


我希望我的应用程序能够确定其他应用程序的输入法,因为它使用命令行编译和运行其他应用程序。我的应用程序是用 Java 编写的,但它可以编译用多种语言编写的程序。